
@鞠科1780:又一次,小华提前离校,沿着回家的路线走30分钟遇到爸爸的汽车,然后乘车回家,结果比平时早10分钟到家.请问:1、汽车的速度是小华步行速度的几倍2... - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] 应该有隐含条件“小华正常放学时汽车恰好到达学校”. 设小华速度为x,汽车速度为y,小华离校比平时早t时间,家到学校距离为l. 由“小华提前离校,沿着回家的路线走30分钟遇到爸爸的汽车”,可知小华从“提前离校”到“碰到汽车”的时间是...

@鞠科1780:英文翻译一句话...A:今天下班回家的路上堵车吗?B:一点都不堵,要不然我也不可能这么早就回来. - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] 1 Was there a heavy traffic when you went back home after work today?2 No,there wasn't,otherwise,I couldn't have arrived home so early.百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,...

@鞠科1780:今天一个人回家,才发现原来回家的路很漫长.这句话的漫长有没有用错!用错了应该换什么词! - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] 诗词小筑为您 路很漫长没有错. 漫长的意思是形容程度极大,多用来修饰时间.如:漫长的岁月. 但也可以用来形容道路的长.因为用漫长来修饰路,本身暗含有道路长所以走的时间也长的意思,十分恰当. 例如:艾青 《双尖山》诗:“接着它的是 离别...

@鞠科1780:假如你是Davy,一天你和你的朋友Ted在放学回家的路上看到不明飞行物.你想把这一情况告诉当地的一家英语报社,请根据下面提示,写一篇60--80词的短文... - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] I'm David,Yesterday afternoon my friend Ted and me were at way home after we leave the school.About 5PM,when we passing through the main street in the downtown,I raised my head to take a look at the beautiful sunset.Suddenly i saw a circular UFO ...

@鞠科1780:英语翻译星期三下午,Bob在他放学回家路上看见一个小女孩,小女孩哭个不停,原来是找不到回家的路了.Bob送她回家,小女孩的父母很感激他.Bob回到... - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] On Wednesday afternoon,while on the way back from school,Bob saw a little girl crying on the street,obviously she was unable to find her way back to home.Bob took the initiative to find her house.The little girl's parents were very pleased that Bob brought...

@鞠科1780:一个英语问题 - 请大家说一下In the way 与 On the way 的区别? 在回家路上是用 In the way 还是 On the way ?
牛唯13811777834…… 在回家的路上: on the way home (home前不可接TO)OR on one's way home. on one's way或on the way 在来、去或旅行的过程中: She is on her way out the door. ...

@鞠科1780:当一个男人喝多了还能找到回家的路说明什么? -
牛唯13811777834…… 说明这个男人的酒量特别大,有些人喝酒一杯可能就醉了,而有些喝十杯头脑还特别清醒当然能找到回家的路.

@鞠科1780:小亮从家出发去上学,走了一段路以后才发现忘记带美术课要用的材料了,于是他赶紧回家,拿了材料以后就一路跑,赶到了学校.小亮行程情况如图,小跑... - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] 距离=105*(17-9)=840(米) 平均速度=(320+320+840)/(5+4+8)=87.06(米/分)

@鞠科1780:英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译成英文,一天天上下起了雨,两个学生打着伞在回家的路上看到了一位老奶奶在树下躲雨,于是其中一个学生把伞给了那位老奶奶,... - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] It's raining one day,two students were going home with their umbrellas when they saw an old woman hiding under a tree.So one of them just gave his umbrella to that lady.If everyone can be grateful to the world,it would be a better one.

@鞠科1780:英语翻译昨天下午下了一场大雨,梅梅和林涛走在回家的路上(用上on one's way home),他们看见一个老奶奶站在树下(用上see,stand,under the tree),... - 作业帮
牛唯13811777834…… [答案] There was a heavy rain yesterday afternoon,Meimei and Lintao were on their way home When they saw an old woman standing under the tree,then Lintao came over to her and said :"you can use my umbrella!"


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