
@壤浦5783:As the Account Manager for BTS, write an e - mail t -
石顾13392077098…… As the Account Manager for BTS, write an e-mail tAs the Account Manager for BTS, write an e-mail to Neo Tech's Head of Travel, apologizing for the inconvenience. Offer some compensation and explain what steps BTS has taken to make sure a ...

@壤浦5783:The child doesn't (write)as (fast) as the students -
石顾13392077098…… The child doesn't write as fast as the other students.

@壤浦5783:You shoud try to write - ----even when you are busy.As you know,practice makes perfect. -
石顾13392077098…… You shoud try to write now and then even when you are busy.As you know,practice makes perfect. more or less 表示的是单次写作的内容, now and then表示的才是某段时间(哪怕是很忙的一段时间)里的频率(即偶尔). 所以,哪怕是你很忙的时候,你也应抽空偶尔谢谢.而并不是,哪怕是你很忙的时候,你也得或多或少写一点点.

@壤浦5783:he has not sent me his address. he does not want me to write to him. ( so that ) -
石顾13392077098…… 你好.so that在你的句子里面不能用.应该用because --------He has not sent me his address BECAUSE he does not want me to write to him. so that-------强调目的 because------强调原因 概念不一样. He has not sent me his address so that i can't write to him. ------这里的so that强调结果-----因此 ===He has not sent me his address so i can't write to him.

@壤浦5783:The boy - - a pen out of his pencil - case and begin to write. A,take B,Bring C,get D,took -
石顾13392077098…… A take sth out of 拿出某东西 and 后面的begin是 现在时,所以前面也应该用现在时

@壤浦5783:I would appreciate - ---- - if you could write to me as soon as possible. A.that B.this C.it -
石顾13392077098…… C 考察it用法.这里的It是一个特殊用法,被称之为:模糊It或者无所指It;结合句意可知C正确;句意:如果你尽快给我写信,我会非常感激你的.

@壤浦5783: - ---- - you are very busy, - ---- - a line if you are in town. A. If; write B. Even though; write C. I -
石顾13392077098…… 答案是C,意思是说如果你很忙,那么当你在城镇时给我写封信.drop line 是写信的意思,固定词组.排除AB然后...

@壤浦5783:Tim doesn`t write English - --his sister. A. more clearly as B. as clearly as -
石顾13392077098…… Tim doesn`t write English___his sister. A. more clearly as B. as clearly as 选B 翻译 Tim没有2113他姐姐英语写得清楚5261 【as+adj+as】和...一样 A没有这4102种用法1653 要么就是more clearly than,表示比较级 有不专会的属可以再问我

@壤浦5783:非谓语动词改错1.As soon as the bell rang ,the teacher asked the childrens to stop writing -
石顾13392077098…… 不是非谓语动词的文艺,是childrens错了.去掉-s children本身就是复数,又不是所有格,何必再加-s?As soon as the bell rang ,the teacher asked the children to stop writing and hand in their papers.to stop writing and hand in their papers是并列(and)的不定式,后一个to 省略.

@壤浦5783:VB 怎么将list1.list(i)路径文件打开并赋值给a(i)? -
石顾13392077098…… 修改下楼上的代码:Dim arr() As Byte, a() ReDim a(list2.ListCount - 1) For i = 0 To list2.ListCount - 1 Open list2.List(i) For Binary Access Read As #2 'list2.list(0)=c:\1.txt 把Write改成Read Get #2, , arr Close #2 a(i) = arr Next


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