
@应巩4659:用英语形容朋友的性格/品质在举一个例子 一共要10 个 -
衡樊13379352074…… 1,外向的:extrovert. 2,内向的:introvert. 3,惹人爱的:adorable 4,体贴的:considerate. 5,顽固的:stubborn. 6, 很好相处的:easy-going 7,天真的:puerile 或者 innocent 8,勤奋的:diligent 9,率直的:candid 10,聪明的:clever例句: my friend Emma is very smart. 我的朋友Emma很聪明.孩子啊,自己动手动脑想想吧~~ 姐姐不想害你.提醒下楼的,请尊重他人劳动成果!! 不要盲目追分..

@应巩4659:跪求一个表现人物优秀品质的英语小故事~~!速度 -
衡樊13379352074…… A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to...

@应巩4659:用英语写一段介绍自己同桌的品质,例如,他很诚实,他很友好,他很 - 作业帮
衡樊13379352074…… [答案] My deskmate is Nancy.She is a lovely girl.We are deskmates and friends.Nancy is a new student of my class.She comes to my class only two weeks.My teacher let her sit near me.At first,I didn't like her,because she was quiet.But,as time goes by,we ...

@应巩4659:求介绍一种良好品质的英语小文章,最好是介绍勇气,自信心,责任感等.还有有关诚信! - 作业帮
衡樊13379352074…… [答案] Never forget -Your presence(存在) is a gift to the world, You're unique and one of 'a kind. Your life can be what you ... 个人就这样毫无痛苦地消失了 Years may wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry, fear , self-distrust ...

@应巩4659:???写一篇英语书面表达关于“一个好学生应该具有的优秀品质,选择下面的两个进行书写”1.Passion 2.... -
衡樊13379352074…… A good student should have many good qualities,such as passion,perseverance,selfdiscipline and so on.

@应巩4659:用一件事写一个人品质的英语作文150字带翻译 -
衡樊13379352074…… 以前,每当我见到路旁捡垃圾的清洁工,我总会捏着鼻子绕过他.可通过那件事,我却对他刮目相看. 那是一个乌云密布的夏天,顷刻间,豆大粒的雨似断了线的珍珠从天而降.由于我没带雨具,只好向着家中狂奔而去. 路途中,我又见到活了七十...

@应巩4659:用三句英语描述一个伟人应有的品质 -
衡樊13379352074…… powerful 强大的 outstanding 杰出的 clever 风采优雅的

@应巩4659:请帮我找出英语 形容一个人的个性或是品质的形容词越多越好啊 - 作业帮
衡樊13379352074…… [答案] outgoing(外向的) courtesy(礼貌的) lively(活泼的) active(活跃的) cute(可爱的) virtuous(善良的、有道德的) dissocial(自私的、不爱交际的) sonsy(开朗的) generous(慷慨的、大方的) great(伟大的、崇高的) 呼~这些该够了吧~

衡樊13379352074…… he has a sunny naturel.他性格阳光开朗. he can showcase himslefs at public. 他能在公开场合展示自己. 你几年级?我好心给你答个你所要求的答案,你还嫌幼稚?你看你问题问的,也不嫌丢人.我高看你了.

@应巩4659:一个员工的高品质,英语作文 -
衡樊13379352074…… About my staffs should be attend to the foreign language trainning Several reasons of staffs should be attend to the foreign language trainning. At first,you can be more professional when you were speaking,writing,reading,listening you will ...


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