
@杜咐2990:有没有一个软件可以把单词输进去自动合成一篇英语作文 -
相昆19354743445…… 可以肯定的告诉你,没有这样的软件.这个属于超智能的东西.算法很复杂,收益不大,所以目前没有人制作.

@杜咐2990:英语作文《怎样制作一个三明治》100词左右 -
相昆19354743445…… A sandwich is a quick and tasty way to make a meal.It can make a great lunch or breakfast.Read on to learn the basics. 制作三明治不但快速而且美味的,它是早餐或者午餐的最佳选择,下面为基本步骤. 1,Pick your favorite type of bread.White,...

@杜咐2990:关于提高英语的英语作文 -
相昆19354743445…… Nowadays ,the english is becoming more and more important .As a chinese ,how can we improve our level of english speedly ? 现如今,英语变得越来越重要.作为一个中国人,我们怎么才能快速的提高英语水平呢? First ,we have to make a ...

@杜咐2990:My Day英语小作文 -
相昆19354743445…… My Day I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival . I went to the park with my friends . We met at eight o'clock at the school gate . We went to the park by bike .It was a beautiful day . We sat under a big tree and chated with each other . We took about ...

@杜咐2990:初一英语作文:Found -
相昆19354743445…… Loss and Found A jacket was found at the playground in the afternoon of Feb. 8, 2012. It is an old jacket in bule and white color and is a school uniform. There is a key in the pocket of the uniform. The owner of the jacket may contact me at 13687781226. 信息都在这了,想不出第五句是什么.

相昆19354743445…… There are five people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my grandparents(爷爷和奶奶)and me. we are a happy family. my mom work at a book store and my dad work at the pet shop. They come home at 8pm every day but my mom don't ...

@杜咐2990:有没有一种自动把打出来的字转换为英文的软件. -
相昆19354743445…… 这样啊,2113用谷歌5261翻译,4102一边打字,右边1653就会专立即翻译属.http://translate.google.cn/?hl=zh-CN&tab=wT#zh-CN/en/

@杜咐2990:写一篇英语作文(success comes from hard work) -
相昆19354743445…… 【作文】success comes from hard work Some people think that success comes from hard work while others agree that success has no link with hard work . From my point of view, hard work can help people succeed and vice versa. There are some ...

@杜咐2990:英语作文,是关于雨是怎么来的,怎么形成的的一英语作文 -
相昆19354743445…… What makes it rain? When water becomes warm enough, it evaporates as vapor into the air. When a mass of air quickly cools to its saturation point, the water vapor condenses into clusters of tiny water droplets and frozen water crystals. We call ...

@杜咐2990:用英语写一篇关于怎样制作北京烤鸭的作文 -
相昆19354743445…… 1, a complete selection of the Beijing duck, cut from the trachea boost the morale of the Department to flesh separated from the body muster. 2, the Ducks will be cut open to remove the viscera, and then into an approximately 2-inch-long wooden ...


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