
@拔虾5701:英语八上作业本介绍家乡作文 -
颜肢18891947913…… 我的家乡是一座美丽的小城,周围群山环绕,风景秀丽.一条清澈的小河穿城而过,养育着这一方水土. 家乡的山是美丽的,无论是春天,还是冬天,都是那么迷人. 春天,山上的树木抽出点点嫩芽,小草从大地妈妈的怀抱里探出头来,野花开得五颜六色.早晨,雾飘在半空中,山像披了一层轻纱,周围的景物一片朦胧,像童话中的仙境. 夏天,树木长得更茂盛了,茂密的枝叶向四周伸展,整个树林像一顶巨大的帐篷,可爱的小鸟也在林中放声歌唱,仿佛成了音乐世界. 秋天是金色的世界,落叶唱起了歌,从树上飘下来,铺上了一条条金色小道,松果也从树上落下来,等着明年来发芽了! 冬天,如果下雪了,整座山像盖上了雪白的棉被,进入了甜美的梦乡,等着春姑娘来叫醒它了. 我爱我美丽的家乡!

@拔虾5701:介绍家乡的英语作文 -
颜肢18891947913…… My home city is dayawan,it is in ***.it is not very big ,but it is very beautiful.i love my home town.

@拔虾5701:求一篇关于介绍家乡的英语作文.. -
颜肢18891947913…… My Hometown My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere. But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad...

@拔虾5701: 请以“My hometown”为题,用英文写一篇60词的短文介绍自己的家乡.要点如下: 1. 我的家乡是一座美丽的现代化城市,在长江以南. 2. 安静,空气新鲜... - 作业帮
颜肢18891947913…… [答案] My HometownMy hometown is a beautiful city. It is south of the Yangtze River. It is quiet. The air is fresh. There are many green trees and flowers here. We can hear the birds singing and smell the ...

@拔虾5701:my hometown 50字英语作文,初二的 -
颜肢18891947913…… My Hometown Welcome to my hometown! Fujian is my hometown. It is a modern and busy province. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see ...

@拔虾5701:写一篇关于My home town 的英语作文初二的英语作文 我的家乡是宁夏的.非常着急 - 作业帮
颜肢18891947913…… [答案] My hometown Welcome to my hometown!Haimen is my hometown.It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see green hills,big ...

@拔虾5701:my hometown 50字英语作文,初二的 - 作业帮
颜肢18891947913…… [答案] My Hometown Welcome to my hometown! Fujian is my hometown. It is a modern and busy province. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills...

@拔虾5701:一片介绍家乡的英语短文1.家乡位置 :位于xx江边 气候宜人 2.山水美丽 xx山是著名的景点 每年3月初3都没吸引很多人3.家乡经济情有了很大发展 人们生活提... - 作业帮
颜肢18891947913…… [答案] My hometown is located on the bank of the Zhangjiang River.It has a pleasant climate.The mountains and rivers there are very beautiful.Mountain xx is the most famous one,which attacts many people on M...

@拔虾5701:我的家乡英文写一篇我的家乡的英文作文,我的家乡是河南的.中午12点以前要出来,下午就没用了, - 作业帮
颜肢18891947913…… [答案] My hometown is in Henan Province which is located in eastern central China,on the plain between the Yellow and Huaihe rivers.It has distinctive four seasons,spring,summer,autumn and winter.It is very hot in summer and cold in winter.There are lots of ...


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