
夔莫18222935665…… My definition of success Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the ...

夔莫18222935665…… It`s important to keep healthy Nowdays, more and more people don`t value their healths. They always stay up late,do less exercise and eat much junk food and so on.So these bad habits make them ill. Do you know how to keep in good health? Well, ...

@胡茗2893:行动胜于言语. 2分钟英文演讲 简单点就行.好评一定给.谢谢你们了 英语专业的学霸们 -
夔莫18222935665…… As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. In doing everything, one doesn't have to say, no matter how you say it, about what you are planning to do; but instead, what one really needs to do is to take actions or do specific things for ...

@胡茗2893:适合初中生的英文演讲,两分钟.how can we use the internet? - 作业帮
夔莫18222935665…… [答案] Nowadays,the internet as we all know is probably the most useful resource known to man in this day of age.Nearly everyone owns a computer and nearly all of them have access to the internet.Millions of people having the ability to access and share all ...

@胡茗2893:找一篇两分钟的英语演讲关于努力学习 -
夔莫18222935665…… Mary's ring When Mary was fourteen,her mother gave her a beautiful ring.It was a birthday present and Mary was very happy.A week later,she was sad.When she was cooking in the kitchen,she lost..

@胡茗2893:英语演讲A funny story(两分钟) - 作业帮
夔莫18222935665…… [答案] My servant will clean it Two rich ladies were sharing a taxi and talking about the high cost of going anywhere by taxi.One of the ladies said,'Taxis are terribly expensive these days.The owners get a ...

@胡茗2893:幽默英语演讲2分钟 -
夔莫18222935665…… I can't let him get away A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. Wow, she thought, this crab is really special. I can't let him get away .So they got married immediately. ...

@胡茗2893:以爱情为主题的2分钟英语演讲 -
夔莫18222935665…… LOVE AND TIME Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. 很久以前,有一个岛屿,所有的感情生活:快乐,悲伤,知识,和所有其他人,包括爱情...

夔莫18222935665…… Is Failure a Bad Thing Failure is a common thing in our daily life. As students, we sometimes fail to get high scores in our exams. When we play games, we might be beaten by others. And there are times when we fail to do work well. All these failures...

@胡茗2893:2分钟五年级英语演讲故事 -
夔莫18222935665…… A Smart Tortoise A tiger is hungry, he is looking for food. He sees a frog in front of him. "Ha ha! A frog! My dinner!" so he rushes at the frog. Behind the tiger, there is a tortoise. The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger's tail. "Ouch!" cries the ...


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