
@文娄4180:05网语文课本答案 -
左贫18734687808…… http://www.05wang.com/thread-14613-1-1.html 如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳下.

@文娄4180:05网江苏教育出版社小学五年级暑假作业答案 关于“勤奋”的名人名言你能写两句吗 -
左贫18734687808…… 展开全部青年之文明,奋斗之文明也,与境遇奋斗,与时代奋斗,与经验奋斗.故青年者,人生之王,人生之春,人生之华也. —— 李大钊

@文娄4180:05网英语听读空间答案 -
左贫18734687808…… I. 1-6 AABBCB II. 1. player 2. grows 3. active 4. gold 5. dream III. 1. when she grows up 2. tookpart in 3. one of the best 5. broke the record IV. like , favorite, be , up , is

@文娄4180:05网小升初达标总复习答案英语 -
左贫18734687808…… Ⅰ.1.upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. Experience 6. original 7.nervous 8.chance 9. decision 10. impossible Ⅱ.11. are 12. them13. happily14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work 20.playing Ⅲ. 21.liked 22. want...

@文娄4180:05网苏教版英语书答案五年级60页 -
左贫18734687808…… 11. B C D A E2. 1) by bus 2) by train 3) on foot by bike21. C A B F D E3. on foot by bus by bike31. on foot by bike by bus by train / by car…2. 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B43. traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go traffic rules52. How can I by the No.8 bus3. 1) on...

@文娄4180:05网英语课时作业答案初一 -
左贫18734687808…… I.1-6 BACAAA II. 1. hobbies 2. spare 3. collect 4. hobby 5. fond 6.plant III. 1. Collecting 2.interested 3. playing 4. actor 5. used IV. 1. reading novels 2. is interestedin 3. is, fond of 4. watching movies5.used to

@文娄4180:5网语文六年级下册课课练第16课所有答案 -
左贫18734687808…… http://www.1010jiajiao.com/daan/bookid_12423.html 希望能帮助你.如果版本不同,请自行搜索(搜索练习册)

@文娄4180:六下三年级起点英语卷子答案05网 -
左贫18734687808…… 1.④ ③ ① ②2. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A3. 1) ai 2_ ou 3) ea 4) ar4. 1) China 2) Where does Sarah come from 3) comes from Australia 4) Where does the rain come from It comes from2. rain Where comes vapour water How sun31. Rain rain come ...

@文娄4180:05网英语优学有道答案四年级下册 -
左贫18734687808…… 选择题1.—Could you help with English?—No problem.A.me, my B.my, mine C.I, me答案:A2.Thank you your help. It's very kind you.A.for, to B.for, of C.with, of答案:B填空1.---What would you like to_______?---- Well, a hamburger and a bottle of ...


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