
@艾岸6428:计算机术语Aggressively trim什么意思 -
巫泡17631728829…… 强制缩减.应该是缩减文件近程、内存、工作组什么的. 译为:侵略性的修整 网址被 拜读 咔了,可以搜Jianqiang's Silverlight Blog里 《(翻译)《Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler》 第四章 托管可执行体文件的结构 4.1 PE/COFF头(一)》表4-3 正文第五行

@艾岸6428:aggressively什么意思 -
巫泡17631728829…… aggressively 英[ə'ɡresɪvlɪ] 美[əˈɡrɛsɪvlɪ] adv. 侵略地;攻击地;有闯劲地;激烈地 [例句]Chinese manufacturers must also aggressively police their workplaces.中国制造商还必须积极管好自己的工作场所.

@艾岸6428:如何给人留下好印象 用英语写 - 作业帮
巫泡17631728829…… [答案] 1.Preparation The key to making a good first impression occurs before your appearance at some occasion.Be clear on your ... protocol is about having good manners.So,don't aggressively sell yourself or your business when you first meet someone....

@艾岸6428:agressively 是什么意思
巫泡17631728829…… 应是aggressively吧,是副词: 大胆地 ,挑衅地;有劲地;咄咄逼人地,气势汹汹地,主动地,侵略地 攻势地 请采纳

@艾岸6428:穿校服的好处,要英文用英文列举出几条穿校服的好处 - 作业帮
巫泡17631728829…… [答案] benefits of having school uniforms 1. A school uniform makes it easier for the school authorities to recognize students ... They have to recognize each other by names and faces instead of by flaunting aggressively painted jackets, T-shirts with obscene ...

@艾岸6428:要志存高远的英语怎么说 -
巫泡17631728829…… 志存高远 aim for the highest [网络短语] 志存高远 High aspirations;Ambitious;Records keeping high 志存高远的雄图大略 Aggressively on rough

@艾岸6428:it might be thanks to doctors who aggressively treat these older folks' health problems, -
巫泡17631728829…… yes, exactly.“who aggressively treat these older folks' health problems...”是的,整体来修饰前面的these doctors.可能得感谢这些医生们,他们积极地对待这些老年群体的健康问题的,而不是认为对他们没有好处而采取了歧视态度.

@艾岸6428:问个英文句子People who believe that they are fighting a just war act aggressively while those who believe that they are fighting an unjust war do not.ETS的... - 作业帮
巫泡17631728829…… [答案] people 主语 who believe that they are fighting a just war 定语从句 who做定语从句的主语,believe谓语,that从句是believe的宾语从句 act aggressively 谓语 while those who believe that they are fighting an unjust war do not. while引导的并列句(轻微转...

@艾岸6428:一句英语,句型分析 -
巫泡17631728829…… 先分析一下句子结构,They develop a style 是主句的主谓宾,that后边的全是style的定语,而不是同位语,因为that在后边的句子中作主语,对于后边的八个句子,that是主语,agent是动词,做为谓语,market是宾语 aggressively是状语 to hasten popularity是宾语补足语.有什么不懂还可以问我,我一直在线.

@艾岸6428:设笛卡尔叶形线的方程为x^3+y^3=3axy (a>0) 求其所围成图形的面积 -
巫泡17631728829…… 笛卡尔叶形线的参数方程为 x=3at/(1+t^3),y=3at^2/(1+t^3)(t=tanθ) 它所围成图形的面积在第一象限,即00 S=∫[0,+∞]ydx=∫[0,+∞]3at^2/(1+t^3)[3a(1+t^3)-3at*3t^2]/(1+t^3)^2dt =9a^2∫[0,+∞]t^2(1-2t^3)/(1+t^3)^3dt(令u=1+t^3) =3a^2∫[1,+∞][1-2(u-1)]/u^3du =3a^2(2/u-3/2*1/u^2)|[1,+∞] =3/2*a^2


  • aggressive behaviour
  • aggressively pro-market
  • adobeflashplayer
  • by virtue of
  • porphyromonas
  • aggressivecancer
  • emotionally aggressive
  • morphy richards
  • aggregateddiskwrites
  • assessment
  • easyrecovery
  • aggressive lpm
  • all light weapons
  • professional
  • aggregate planning
  • aggressive ness
  • blow up nearby cars
  • aggregate revenue
  • eventually
  • bewilder
  • congress
  • aggression
  • regulation
  • xtransfer
  • investigation
  • occasionally
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