
@王封1291:算法问题:设计一个程序,输入a,b,c,m,n的值,输出二次函数y=ax^2+bx+c在闭区间[m,n]上的最大 -
牟石18666932672…… //y=ax^2+bx+c//参考http://baike.baidu.com/view/397767.htm#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h> int main() { int s,n,m,a,b,c;//定义变量 scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&n,&m) ; if (a==0) //a==0的情况 if (b==0) printf("ymax=%d\n",c); else ...

@王封1291:谁会写a friend in need is a friend in deed 的英语小作文我门考试{急用}谢谢 - 作业帮
牟石18666932672…… [答案] A Friend of Liberality When I was in Senior Grade 2, there was a girl whom I disliked. I do not know why I disliked her. She ... 【词语解释】 ①snub [sn)b] v.冷落;怠慢 ②in comparison [k+m'p$ris+n] with 与……比较 ③liberality [?lib+'r$l+ti] n.慷慨;心胸...

@王封1291:What do you think of +doing 还是别的 Tom has to - __ - (come)back later this afernoon 为什么 - 作业帮
牟石18666932672…… [答案] what do you think of 可以加doing sth 或名词 应填come,have to 后加原形,意为不得不,必须做某事

@王封1291:如何确定二次函数中系数正负 -
牟石18666932672…… 开口向上,a>0, 开口向下,a<0 对称轴在y轴左侧,a,b同号 对称轴在y轴右侧,a,b异号 抛物线交y轴于正半轴,c>0 抛物线交y轴于负半轴,c<0 抛物线过原点,c=0 祝你学习进步!

@王封1291:那个三角形的公式是什么 -
牟石18666932672…… 在一元二次方程ax^2+bx+c=0(a≠0)里,判别式△(delta)=b^2-4ac

@王封1291:用适当的关系副词或介词+关系代词合并句子.1.The day will come.Ordinary people can travel by spaceship on the day2.My father told little John the year.He had ... - 作业帮
牟石18666932672…… [答案] 1.The day on which ordinary people can travel by spaceship will come. 2.My father told little John the year in which he had studied. 3.Oct 14,1949 was day on which Guangzhou was liberated. 4.This is the field in which I used to grow vegetables. 5.Do you ...

@王封1291:come early to ensure getting a good seat 中ensure为什么是+doing sth.到底有没有ensure doing的形式?有的话,请具体说一说用法以及哪些时候不能用.若... - 作业帮
牟石18666932672…… [答案] ensure的意思是“保证;担保”[+that][+v-ing]给你写例句I can't ensure his being on time.我不能保证他的准时.I can't ensure that he will be there on time.我不能担保他会及时到那儿.This medicine will ensure ...

@王封1291:高一化学题!求大神解答!已知粒子X^2+的质量数为24,中子数为12,则mg该粒子的氧化物为XO中含有中子数为_____NA求详细过程!在线等!come!... - 作业帮
牟石18666932672…… [答案] 氧原子中子数为8 所以XO含有12+8=20个中子 XO的质量数为24+16=40 mgXO的物质的量为(m/40)mol 所以含有中子数为(m/40)*20=(m/2)NA

@王封1291:two+yers+ago+in+mexico,i+come+back+home+bake+home -
牟石18666932672…… two yers ago in mexico,i come back home bake home form school tired 两年前在墨西哥,我回家,从学校回家很累.

@王封1291:37.It is strange that he - ___back so early - 作业帮
牟石18666932672…… [选项] A. came B. will come C. had come D. should have come 这个句型不是应该用should do ,should可以省略吗?



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