
@储虏6763:请问“浮光掠影”有那几种解释? - 作业帮
宁桑17027369554…… [答案] 浮光掠影 fúguāng-lüèyǐng [skimming over the surface;cursory] 水面上的反光和一闪而过的影子.比喻观察不细致,没有深的印象;又指文章言论的肤浅,无真知实学

@储虏6763:用cursory造句,十五个单词左右,不要太难的,好记的! -
宁桑17027369554…… Please make a centence with the word cursory,about fifteen words,and of course,be simple.

@储虏6763:浮光掠影的英语 -
宁桑17027369554…… 浮光掠影 1.skimming over the surface 2.hasty and casual; cursory

@储虏6763:率尔的意思?子路率尔而对 中的率尔是什么意思啊~~ - 作业帮
宁桑17027369554…… [答案] 率 shuài 【形】 草率:轻率〖rash;cursory〗 子路率尔而对.——《论语·先进》 又如:率尔(轻率的样子)

@储虏6763:"率"字什么意思 -
宁桑17027369554…… 编辑词条率 注解 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 率 shuài lǜ (1) ㄕㄨㄞˋ (2) 带领:~领.统~.~队.~先(带头).~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民). (3) 轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~.草~.~尔.~尔操觚(“觚”,...

@储虏6763:用两个形容词各造4个英语句子 -
宁桑17027369554…… 1. cursory: 粗略的,草率的 eg: a) Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut. b) I gave the letter a fairly cursory reading. c) He signed with only a cursory glance at the report. d) Some books are for intensive study and some are for...

@储虏6763:浮光掠影 英语 -
宁桑17027369554…… 浮光掠影 【出处】:唐·禇亮《临高台》诗:“浮光随日度,漾影逐波深.” 【拼音】:fú guāng lüè yǐng 【拼音码】:fgly 【近义词】:走马观花、浅尝辄止 【反义词】:洞察秋毫、一丝不苟 【灯迷会】:水中捞月 【用法】:联合式;作宾语、状语、定语;含贬义 【英语】:1.skimming over the surface 2.hasty and casual; cursory

@储虏6763:走马观花用英语怎么说 -
宁桑17027369554…… glance over sth. 应该看你自己的需要 是简短的还是长的,根据自己的用途选择

@储虏6763:GRE反义一题cursoryA extremely delicateB unusually brilliantC completely naturalD painstakingly thoroughE overwhelmingly emotional答案是D 可是我怎么觉得... - 作业帮
宁桑17027369554…… [答案] A一般是指东西而cursory是指做事草率随随便便,当然是对尽力彻底喽!

@储虏6763:看一看英语怎么写 -
宁桑17027369554…… take a glance of; take a glimpse of; have/take a look;


  • component
  • compromise
  • conventional
  • constitute
  • venture
  • simultaneously
  • obese
  • favoritism
  • in many cases a cursory
  • confident
  • accomplish
  • complex
  • conformity
  • characteristic
  • infrastructure
  • personality
  • ridiculous
  • responsible
  • cultivate
  • appointment
  • commitment
  • priority
  • apply for
  • come up with
  • comparison
  • primarily
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