
@逯乖5814:elect和election的用法 - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] elect 英[i'lekt] 美[��'l��kt] 翻译: 选举 vt. 1.(进行)选举, 推举 2.选择, 决定(做某事) adj.(用于名词后)当选而尚未就职的,候任的 ELECT abbr.electrolytic 电解的 election 英[i'lek����n] 美[��'l��k����n] 翻译: 选举 n.选举, ...

@逯乖5814:the one hundredth Congress是什么意思?A low to moderate turnout is reported across the nation so far on this election day.Voters are choosing members of ... - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] (美国)第一百届国会

@逯乖5814:___ - the government has tried everything possible to make people believe its ability to lead the country. - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [选项] A. Afraid of losing the election B. To be afraid of losing the election C. Because of afraid of losing the election D. Be afraid of losing the election Which one?Why?

@逯乖5814:什么是by - election - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] 名词,递补选举,[法] 补选,缺补选举 美国传统辞典 A special election held between general elections to fill a vacancy,as for a parliamentary seat. 朗曼 especially BrE a special election to replace a politician who has left parliament or died 牛津英汉双...

@逯乖5814:this candidate has far more chances of winning the election than - _ - recommended by the organizerA that B the one C one 这一题应该有问题 AB都可以啊 请... - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] 答案B 译文这位候选人要比组织者们推荐的那位候选人有更多赢得大选的机会. 分析 本题测试代词的用法. A)that“那,那个”通常指物,指事,不指人;所以不对 B)the one”那一位,那一个”,可以特指某一个人.所以对

@逯乖5814:by - election 变复数是啥?介词+名词是后面的名词变复数嘛? - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] 供参考前面如by-election等加了介词的名词与没有加的名词一样处理就以by-election (补选) 为例如果指的是一次前面要加 a 或 the 冠词如果是复数就要加s即 by-elections又例如 in-law (姻亲)复数用 in-laws他们是我的...

@逯乖5814:Ⅰ、Please match the words in Column Awith their meanings in Column B.A B1.election ( ) a.give knowledge to2.inform ( ) b.make competent orcapable of3.... - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] election ( 选举 ,g.selection ( of candidatesfor an office ) by voting ) 2.inform ( 通知,f.make known to people ) 3.debate ( 辩论,i.contest between two speakers ) 4.advertise( 广告,a.give knowledge to ...

@逯乖5814:election configuration 什么意思 - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] electron configuration生词本英 [iˈlektrɔn kənˌfiɡjuˈreiʃən] 美 [ɪˈlɛkˌtrɑn kənˌfɪɡjəˈreʃən]电子构型,电子组...

@逯乖5814: Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how they'll change America. Rightly so, but selfishly, I'm more ... - 作业帮
阚咳15086052166…… [答案] 小题1:C 小题2:B 小题3:D 小题4:B 小题5:A


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