
@许史4965:environmental怎么读? -
虞彪19158571737…… environmental [in,vaiərən'mentəl] adj. 环境的,周围的;有关环境的

@许史4965:思科路由器sh environment all中出现power supply 1 is empty表示什么? -
虞彪19158571737…… 您好!power supply 1 is enmty 这个对于设备是没有影响的,只是告诉您该设备电源模块的一槽位现在是空的.建议采用双电源冗余供电,保证设备一端电源故障,能够随时自动切换到另一端.谢谢.

@许史4965:environmentall hazardous substance,solid,英文什么意思 -
虞彪19158571737…… environmentall hazardous substance,solid,环境有害物质,固体,environmentall hazardous substance,solid,环境有害物质,固体,

@许史4965:environmentally是什么意思 -
虞彪19158571737…… environmentally[英][ɪnˌvaɪrən'mentəlɪ][美][ɪnˌvaɪrən'mentəlɪ] adv.有关环境方面; 例句: 1. What's required to make china's cities environmentally sustainable? 为了让中国的城市具有环境可持续性,需要做什么工作? 2. China's growth can also be more financially and environmentally sustainable with further reforms. 通过采取进一步的改革措施,也将有助于增强中国经济增长的金融和环境可持续性

@许史4965:山上的野生动物更爱走干净的路么 -
虞彪19158571737…… 一般动物都是会待在有水源的地方,所以山顶不太可能,然后如果山脚有人活动的话,野生动物也不会太多,一般都是半山腰的位置、

@许史4965:英语翻译题 ..
虞彪19158571737…… 1.Not until some fish float in the water that the villagers realized that this river had been polluted so serious. 2.Once the money has been used up,what shall we do to face the hard situation? 3.Besides a doctor,he is also a writter and a volenteer of the ...

@许史4965:请把下面这句话译成中文in the 1970s ,as people learnt more about environmentall problems,the greenmovement began and soon spread aii over europe. - 作业帮
虞彪19158571737…… [答案] 在20世纪70年代,随着人们认识到越来越多的环境问题,“绿色政府”(可译为环保组织),开始建立并且迅速传遍(遍布)整个欧洲.

@许史4965:environmentally friendly是什么意思
虞彪19158571737…… environmentally friendly:英 [ɪnˌvaɪrənmentəli ˈfrendli] ; 美 [ɪnˌvaɪrənmentəli ˈfrendli] adj:环保的;不损害环境的 例句:1、These are all environmentally friendly with plenty of brio and power. 这些都是环保与活泼和权力的.2、...

@许史4965:英语辩论材料:Environment will get better in the future
虞彪19158571737…… In the twenty-first century, the environment is becoming more and more important, so we have "Green Olympic" as a slogan. Of course a slogan is just a goal, the most important thing is that we should do some things to make it true. Such as ...

@许史4965:急求一篇Environmental Pollution英语作文 80字左右 -
虞彪19158571737…… Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, ...


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