
@宗应4859:exhilaration怎么读 -
巴姬17176404552…… exhilaration 英 [ɪɡˌzɪlə'reɪʃn] 美 [ɪɡˌzɪləˈreʃən] n.愉快的心情,高兴; 豪兴Mary Ann's exhilaration gave way to gnawing fear. 玛丽·安从欣喜若狂变得忧惧不安. 来自柯林斯例句

@宗应4859:形容情感的词语英语 -
巴姬17176404552…… 1、surprised 读音:英 [səˈpraɪzd] 美 [sərˈpraɪzd] adj.惊讶的;惊奇的;觉得奇怪的;感觉意外的 例句:This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet 这位女士对发生在自己宠物身上的事感到非常惊讶. 2、sad 读音:英 ...

@宗应4859:什么是幸福的英语作文 -
巴姬17176404552…… 幸福,是每个人都想追求的东西.而就有些人不用一颗平常.火热的心去拥抱进在咫尺的幸福,还在暗自抱怨...... 我常常也在想幸福到底是什么?而今天,我知道了幸福是什么了. 在运动会场上,激烈的比赛正进行着.此时,我正在800米比赛的起跑...

@宗应4859:急求一篇英语作文《邀请函》 -
巴姬17176404552…… July 30, 2007 Dear Mr. White, Excuse my being unable to see you and your wife off. Every time I recollect our close fiendship over the last few years. I am personally very sad to see you leave China. I hope we shall keep in touch as you resume your ...

@宗应4859:请解释兴致勃劲是什么意思 -
巴姬17176404552…… 是:兴致勃勃吧?【单字解释】兴致:兴趣; 勃勃:旺盛的样子 . 【成语解释】形容兴趣很浓厚,情绪很高. 【造句】全班同学早就集合好,兴致勃勃地向野游地进发了. 【近义词】:兴趣盎然 兴高采烈 【反义词】:无精打采、兴味索然 【语法】:“兴致”和“勃勃”构成主谓结构.主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义 【英语】merry;sprightly;feel a surge of exhilaration

@宗应4859:林俊杰杀手MV里引用弗洛伊德的那段话 -
巴姬17176404552…… Dear diary 亲爱的日记 My dance is almost complete 我这场舞已近尾声 Raindrops are falling One by one 雨不停地下 The sun rises By then 在日出前的那一刻 I will be gone… 我将消逝 But I think I have fallen for her 但我想 我已彻底爱上她 If it is ...

@宗应4859:英语翻译The three miles melted away in the joyous exhilaration that always washed over her as she ran. - 作业帮
巴姬17176404552…… [答案] The three miles melted away in the joyous exhilaration that always washed over her as she ran.直接翻译: 三英里的路程在兴奋或情绪高涨之中渐渐消失了-----而这种兴奋在她跑步时便会自然涌进她的脑子里.修改...

巴姬17176404552…… 愉快 [简明汉英词典] pleasure delight brighten cheer exhilaration gayety jolliness merriness sprightliness

@宗应4859:英语作文 关于幸福 -
巴姬17176404552…… What is happiness? There are different opinions about that. Some people think it is happiest to be with families and to communicate with friends.Some think that you will be happy if you are optimistic to the life and (if you are) devoted to your career....

巴姬17176404552…… clearandbright;coolandbrightThesoundfloatsoverall,clearlikethenight,liquid,serene,andlonely.这音乐到处飘荡,清朗得象月夜,象流水,宁静之中有几分孤寂.Therewasaliftintheair,anexhilaration.空气清朗起来了.这真是个可喜的现象.Abriefpause,thenhisfacelitupwithreliefasheansweredinaclear,cheerfulvoice:但是一分钟后,他的脸上突然一亮,他用清朗的声音大声说:smileradiantly很清朗地笑


  • spontaneously
  • perseverance
  • exasperation
  • panorama
  • portray
  • gregarious
  • paralyze
  • controversial
  • participant
  • tranquility
  • executive
  • rationality
  • nurturance
  • brutality
  • exquisitely
  • enthusiastic
  • manipulate
  • characterisation
  • connoisseur
  • annoyance
  • appraisal
  • exclaim
  • strategic
  • intuitive
  • overwhelming
  • temporary
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