
@易可3092:求解答过程:阅读理解. 阅读理解.      BEIJIN - No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22,1998. It was started to protect the ... - 作业帮
汲终13395509369…… [答案] 1-5 CDBAC

@易可3092:start to do 和start doing的区别 -
汲终13395509369…… 一般情况下,两者可以互换.如: He started learning /to learn English when he was only three. 他在只有三岁的时候就开始学习英语了. 但在下列三种情况下,只能用start to do sth. (1)当主语是物而不是人时. 如:The ice started to melt. 冰开始...

@易可3092:start to do 和start doing 区别 -
汲终13395509369…… start to do sth. 与start doing sth. 的区别 这是一种固定搭配,对于学英语很重要的哦! start to do sth. 是说开始去做某事,表明还没有做. start doing sth. 是开始做某事,或者说正在开始做某事. 希望帮到你

@易可3092:一开始用英语怎么说 -
汲终13395509369…… Beginning

@易可3092:I first started a____ - in a play when I was 12. - 作业帮
汲终13395509369…… [答案] I first started (acting,表演) in a play when I was 12. 当我12岁时,我首次开始在一部戏剧中演出. start doing,开始做.

@易可3092:start to do与start doing的区别
汲终13395509369…… 看得出来,你真是用心学习的学者! 一般而言,现代英语中认为,像begin,start,love,hate、like等动词,后面接不定式和动名词作宾语,语义没有多大区别. 但是,如果一定要区分,那就是—— 用不定式,多表示【某一特定时间的具体动作】;...

@易可3092:改错题答案,when i first started to learn -
汲终13395509369…… when i started to learn去掉, first ,因为start是开始、包含第一次的意思,就不需要first来重复了

@易可3092:“start”的过去式是? -
汲终13395509369…… 1. 过去式是started,过去分词也是started. 2. start vt. 开始,启动;vi. 出发. 3. 用法: start doing 开始做一件新的事情(从新开始的). start to do 继续开始做以前暂停的工作. 1) 谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,使用doing. How old ...

@易可3092:How old were you when you first stated playing the piano中,为什么要用playing呢 -
汲终13395509369…… 回答:提问句中的stated 应为started,全句应为How old were you when you first started playing the piano?句中动词start(开始抄)后接另一动词作宾语时,其形式可用不定式to do,也可用动名词doing,提问zhidao中的句子started playing 就是用了第二种形式,即动名词形式.又如:When I first started to learn/ learning English, I found it hard, and I nearly gave it up.欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳.

@易可3092:At first, a lot of the students had a hard time figuring out how to get started.为什么要用started -
汲终13395509369…… get started: 开始,启动


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