
@弓菡569:english question 副词 正式的有3个词可以表达formallynormallyofficially分别用在什么方面呢?通用? - 作业帮
耿园17242051615…… [答案] formally 礼仪地,正式地,用于社交,商业等场合, At a formal dinner party, you must behave formally.在一个正式的晚宴聚会上,你的举止必须符合礼仪. normally 正常地 He was behaving normally in spite of his anxiety. 尽管他很忧虑,但表现却很正...

@弓菡569:english question 写作高手进!!!!!!! -
耿园17242051615…… formally 礼仪地,正式地,用于社交,商业等场合,At a formal dinner party, you must behave formally.在一个正式的晚宴聚会上,你的举止必须符合礼仪.normally 正常地 He was behaving normally in spite of his anxiety. 尽管他很忧虑,但表现却很正常.officially官方地 Gold is officially worth$400 an OUNCE, but I can buy it at a cheaper price.黄金的官价为一盎司400美圆,但是我可以用比较便宜的价格买到.

@弓菡569:英文如何翻译文件正式发布 -
耿园17242051615…… 文件 files 或者 documents 发表 issue 正式地 formally 所以 应该是 the documents formally issued 或者 we formally issue the following documents.例句:i am here on behalf of the united states government to issue the following statements.

@弓菡569:副词可以放在冠词前面吗 -
耿园17242051615…… 这句话完全正确.这句话中formally与冠词无关 它放在be之后

@弓菡569:形式上的英语翻译 形式上用英语怎么说 -
耿园17242051615…… 形式上的英语翻译 形式上用英语怎么说 形式上 formal; formally; in form 例句:译文在意义与形式上应忠实于原文.The translation should be faithful to the original both in meaning and form.

@弓菡569:请哪位高手解答一下,最好能给出解释. -
耿园17242051615…… C,A :偶然B :有目的c :明显D :正式地 这句话是这个海岛的多数人民是消遣渔民.明显地,打渔是他们的业余时间的实际部分.

@弓菡569:发行这个动词可以用什么词修饰,要气派点得 -
耿园17242051615…… formally 官方地 正式地

@弓菡569:perl与PERL与Perl的区别?哪个才是语言的名字? -
耿园17242051615…… Perl 是 Perl 语言的名字 全大写是没有正式( official / formally ) 存在过的, 不过有人会说这是 "Practical Extraction and Report Language", 而 Perl 作者 Larry Wall 则戏称之为 "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister" ( 注, Larry 是读语言学的 ) 小写的 perl 一般指其编译器 (interpreter) 可以当成一个 "动词". 而 Perl 就是一个 "名词"

耿园17242051615…… I believe we will formally

@弓菡569:英语单词Verify中文意思是什么 -
耿园17242051615…… 意思如下: verify 英[ˈverɪfaɪ] 美[ˈvɛrəˌfaɪ] vt. 核实; 证明; 判定; [例句]I verified the source from which I had that information 我核实了我所获消息的来源. The government has not verified any of those reports 政府还没有证实那些报告...


  • informally
  • constantly
  • typically
  • automatically
  • frequently
  • fundamental
  • occasionally
  • responsible
  • slaving away
  • heavily
  • financial
  • virtue signaling
  • casually
  • significant
  • approximately
  • eventually
  • sufficiently
  • spontaneity
  • liberally
  • company
  • conventional
  • individuality
  • gradually
  • convincing
  • simultaneously
  • professional
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