
@闫东606:headlong retreat是什么意思 -
胡剑13974466532…… headlong retreat 跌跌撞撞往外跑; 落荒而走1.the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in hisheadlong retreat.穿过大厅的门、石子路、前大门,他一路跌跌撞撞往外跑.2.The hall door and the gravel drive were dimly noted stages in his headlongretreat.在他落荒而走的时候只隐约记得经过前门和砾石铺的车路.

@闫东606:圣经中犹大是怎么死的? -
胡剑13974466532…… 圣经里面有很多看似矛盾的记载,其实是不矛盾的,关于犹大怎么死的,我转载一个比较合理的解释.在圣经里两处经文的记录使徒行传2:18:犹大用那出卖耶稣所得的钱,买了一块田,就在那里仆倒,肚破肠流而死.马太福音27:5:犹大把银...

@闫东606:nike鞋中的sample 和 retro版本是什么意思??? -
胡剑13974466532…… sample直译为样品,样本;试用品.一般是球鞋设计好后做出样品,看一看实际效果和性能,如果是球员签名鞋的话,则向球员征求意见.市场上也会有少量sample流出,售价比正式发售价偏低 retro在鞋中指的是复刻的意思,在nike尤指air jordan的复刻版,而其他的鞋的复刻版一般后缀为back(简称为B)

@闫东606:请高手讲解一下前缀re和retro的区别,详细点.谢谢拉,Thank you -
胡剑13974466532…… re- pref (used widely with vs and related ns, adjs and advs 可作许多动词及由动词派生的名词﹑ 形容词和副词的前缀) again 再; 又; 重新: reapply * redecoration * re-entered * reassuringly. NOTE ON USAGE 用法: In many verbs beginning ...

@闫东606:MAC口红的质地及热门色有哪些 -
胡剑13974466532…… mac口红共分为八大质地,分别是: 1.Amplified cream:显色度高,遮盖力强,质地相对厚实,有奶油感,持久度不错,滋润度中等.适合唇部状态还不错的姑娘,对本身唇色深浅要求也不高.主打色为morange,是个比较浅的橘色.2. Lustre...

@闫东606:Queen的《Headlong》 歌词 -
胡剑13974466532…… 歌曲名:Headlong 歌手:Queen 专辑:Greatest Hits Ii Artist: Queen Album: Innuendo Title: Headlong (Queen) And you're rushing headlong you've got a new goal And you're rushing headlong out of control And you think you're so strong But there ...

胡剑13974466532…… 上楼 1.go upstairs 2.upstairs 3.come upstairs 4.come up 由此上楼 1.up; upstairs 2.up;upstairs 上楼楼梯 1.stairs up 2.stairs up to second floor 请上楼 1.upstairs 2.please go upstairs 猛冲上楼 1.rush up the stairs 2.rush headlong to upstair

@闫东606:中国传统文化的故事英语 - 作业帮
胡剑13974466532…… [答案] 文言文 宋人有耕田者.田中有株,兔走触株,折颈而死.因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔.兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑.今欲以先王之... scared hares were running desperately.Suddenly,a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his ...

@闫东606:一个人骑马成语 -
胡剑13974466532…… 盲人瞎马 máng rén xiā mǎ [释义] 失明的人骑着瞎了眼的马.比喻处于极端危险的境况中.也比喻乱闯瞎撞;非常危险.[语出] 南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语》:“盲人骑瞎马;夜半临深池.” [正音] 盲;不能读作“wánɡ”.[辨形] 盲;不能写作“肓”.[近义] 履冰临渊 履薄临深 [用法] 含贬义.一般作宾语、定语、状语.[结构] 联合式.[辨析] ~表示由于乱碰乱闯而处境危险;或由于不明情况;处境艰难;“履冰临渊”则含有因处境艰难危险而心存戒备、小心谨慎的意思.[例句] 我刚到广州的时候;既无经验;也无可依靠的人;真是~.[英译] rushing headlong to disaster

胡剑13974466532…… 8. osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary 这个字是由51个字母组成的.它是人体构造一术语,曾出现在英国作家皮考克thomas lovepeacock,1785-1866那本名叫headlong hall的小说中. 9. ...


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