
@阮岚5586:writing后面加letter还是email? -
崔党19756694056…… writing 表达不出写信的意思,因为这个写,可以是很多方面,不一定是写信,所以准确来讲,就用writing a letter.

@阮岚5586:新概念英语第三册4 letter writing -
崔党19756694056…… Letter writing书信写作 A possible answer Dear Mrs. Frost, It was nice to meet you at Selena's party last week. You mentioned you had a copy of “Who's Who(名人录)”. I am writing to ask if I could borrow it for a couple of days. I'm doing ...

@阮岚5586:求一篇英语作文:Letter Writing 100个单词左右,语法正确.Write a letter of complaint about something you've a problem with recently.You may write to an ... - 作业帮
崔党19756694056…… [答案] Dear Sir,I am writing to let you know the deplorable attitude of one of your staff member.I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and thought there were some errors in calculation...

@阮岚5586:will phones kill letter writing英语作文 200字就行 - 作业帮
崔党19756694056…… [答案] Nowadays phones play more and more important part in our society.On the contrary,letter-writing became not as common as the past.So someone hold that phones will kill letter-writing in future.However,I do not agree with them. It could not be denied ...

@阮岚5586:letter - writing campaign是什么意思 -
崔党19756694056…… letter-writing campaign 信的运动 例句:1.But members of congress, led by sen. jon kyl, republican from arizona, launched aletter-writing campaign urging sprint not to include huawei. 但在亚利桑那州共和党人、参议院乔恩•科尔的带领下,部分国会议员发起了一场“上书活动”,要求斯普林特公司拒绝华为的投标.

@阮岚5586:新概念二册75课letter writing -
崔党19756694056…… I. 1-4 ABBC 5-7 AAC II. 1. invented 2. follow 3. score 4. sides 5.even III. 1. listening 2. tiring 3. clearly 4. towin 5. invented IV. 1-5 CBDEA V. 1. so that 2. the otherside's 3. more andmore popular

@阮岚5586:求一篇英语作文 150词左右的Letter WritingSuppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate ofyours who is going to visit you during the ... - 作业帮
崔党19756694056…… [答案] Dear Xiao Wang, How are you and your family getting on? I hope everyone is fine. A warm welcome to you and your family to visit Guilin for a week on July 2015. Guilin is a famous tourism city where blessed with fresh air, clear water and amazing Karst ...

@阮岚5586:问一下下面这句话从taking开始,是分词作状语还是定语?Letter writing was the most popular form of communication,taking up 50% of the total - 作业帮
崔党19756694056…… [答案] 信件(过去)是最流行的一种交流形式,占所有方式的百分之五十. 应该做的是状语吧表程度,反正不是宾语.

@阮岚5586:writing a letter怎么读???? -
崔党19756694056…… writing a letter ['raitiŋ] [ə] ['letə ]意思为写信 汉语谐音“瑞挨挺 俄 来特 ”

@阮岚5586:will phones kill letter writing -
崔党19756694056…… Nowadays phones play more and more important part in our society. On the contrary, letter-writing became not as common as the past. So someone hold that phones will kill letter-writing in future. However, I do not agree with them. It could not be ...


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