
@丁依4021:make it possible+to do make结构 make结构即为:make +sth.(宾语) +possible+(宾语补足语)共有三种形式:make it possible+to do make it possible+... - 作业帮
彭缸19144806184…… [答案] 你好 这个很好理解 这里的detail是宾语 而detail前面的visible是宾语补足语 that are otherwise impossible to observe 是定语从句,修饰details 因为宾语太长,所以放在补足语visible后面了 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 以后有问题可以直接向...

彭缸19144806184…… make it possible1. 以行践言2. 成为可能3. 使它成为可能4. 使它变成可能这里的make是使役动词,it是宾语,possible 是宾语补足语,不需要用be动词.例如:Spaceships make it possible to travel to the moon.宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能.

@丁依4021:动词make的用法 -
彭缸19144806184…… (1) “make+名词 / 代词+形容词或形容词短语”意为“使某人 / 某事……”. (2) “make+名词 / 代词+省略to的动词不定式”意为“让某人做某事”. (3) “make+名词 / 代词+介词短语或名词短语”意为“使某人 / 某物(成为)……”. (4) “make+名词 / 代词+过去分词短语”表示“使某人 / 某物被……”. (5) “make+it+时间”意为“时间约定在……”.

@丁依4021:make possible do sth 还是make do sth possible(make为主动语态)
彭缸19144806184…… 正确表达是: 【make+sth/doing sth+形容词】 或者:【make+形式宾语it+形容词+to do sth】 举例:I'll make you happy when you're sad. 在你伤心的时候我会使你高兴起来. 举例二:China makes going to the space possible. 中国使去太空成为...

@丁依4021:make+it+adj+不定式(或从句) -
彭缸19144806184…… make+it+adj+不定式(或从句). 例句:Make it possible to have a picnic tomorrow 确定明天可以去野餐 Make it sure to turn the radio off. 确保收音机关闭了.

@丁依4021:make possible do sth 还是make do sth possible(make为主动语态)当make为主动语态时后面接不带to的不定式但是make 和possible连用的时候后面的不定式... - 作业帮
彭缸19144806184…… [答案] 正确表达是: 【make+sth/doing sth+形容词】 或者:【make+形式宾语it+形容词+to do sth】 举例:I'll make you happy when you're sad.在你伤心的时候我会使你高兴起来. 举例二:China makes going to the space possible.中国使去太空成为了一种...

@丁依4021:make it possible for sb to do sth是什么意思 -
彭缸19144806184…… make it possible for sb to do sth 使某人做某事成为可能 双语对照 例句: 1. Third: steve believed it was possible to do things that are impossible. 第三:乔布斯认为,任何不可能的事都可以去尝试.

@丁依4021:make it possible+to do 求助 -
彭缸19144806184…… 你好 这个很好理解 这里的detail是宾语 而detail前面的visible是宾语补足语 that are otherwise impossible to observe 是定语从句,修饰details 因为宾语太长,所以放在补足语visible后面了 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 以后有问题可以直接向我或【海纳百川团】提问哦~ 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

@丁依4021:make it to do 句型 -
彭缸19144806184…… make的固定句型不加to :make sb do sth

@丁依4021:make it+形容词+ for sb.+ to do sth.造句有哪些? -
彭缸19144806184…… 使用make it+形容词+for sb.+to do sth造句的时候: the volunteers cleared away the snow on the street to make it safe for people to walk on.志愿者扫清了大街上的积雪,让人民走在上面更安全. I want to make itknown to you not to waste time.我要...


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  • makeup remover
  • make itadj for sb to do
  • make up my mind
  • make oneself understood
  • make great difference
  • give sth to sb
  • make up ones mind to
  • make up sth for sth
  • makeup miracle
  • dream it possible
  • make it to do
  • make smart choices
  • make her a meal
  • change ones mind
  • cook a meal
  • hall of residence
  • makeup room
  • make up to do
  • visual c++
  • make backup
  • pret-a-template
  • pret a makeup
  • beauty makeup
  • make up the work
  • make-to-stock
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