
@裴黛4929:用英语描写蚂蚁 -
钟钧18570399970…… Ants have three major body parts: head, thorax, and gastor (abdomen). The thorax can be broken down into two major parts: the alitrunk which contains the legs and wings, and the petiole which is found directly anterior to the gastor and is found only...

钟钧18570399970…… 与死神交配——Mating with Death ~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、

@裴黛4929:用英文写一篇介绍企鹅的文章 -
钟钧18570399970…… 会说话的动物(Talking Animals)The filmmakers behind the English-language version of March of the Penguins—which is distributed by Warner Independent Pictures and National Geographic Feature Films—toned down the anthropomorphism ...

@裴黛4929:关于企鹅的介绍(英语的) -
钟钧18570399970…… Penguin is a not-flying birds, penguins are head, penguins Branch. Mainly live in the Earth's southern hemisphere, now known around the world or 17 kinds of penguins there are 18 kinds, including four living in the equatorial tropics, ...

@裴黛4929:用英语描写蚂蚁语句简单 - 作业帮
钟钧18570399970…… [答案] Ants have three major body parts:head,thorax,and gastor (abdomen).The thorax can be broken down into two major parts:the ... immediately after mating.Workers are generally sterile females.They have a variety of tasks to perform for the colony ranging ...

@裴黛4929:漏出用英语怎么写 -
钟钧18570399970…… escaping、leaks、 fall、show、hints;看你要怎么用咯! 1.瓦斯从瓦斯炉灶漏出. Gas is escaping from the range. 2.油从配合面漏出时,减小液压泵内压力. Reduce pressure in hydraulic pump when oil leaks from mating surfaces. 3.他对这事没...

@裴黛4929:怎么样用英文来介绍河马 -
钟钧18570399970…… 难度高些的 Groups of hippos are led by one large male. The other members are females, their young, and a few young adult males. The leader of the group keeps control of his mating territory by fighting off rivals. The family group of hippos spends...

@裴黛4929:用英语介绍企鹅 -
钟钧18570399970…… Penguins live around the South Pole. They usually spend all their waking hours in the water. Only during the egg-laying and mating periods do penguins actually live on land. During the egg-laying period, the female penguin lays usually one egg. This ...

@裴黛4929:择偶标准 英文 -
钟钧18570399970…… 专业的说法叫做:Mating Preference 或者 Spouse Preference

@裴黛4929:配合面 英语怎么说 -
钟钧18570399970…… 1.matching surface 配合面 例句:"In general, installation is the reverse of removal. be sure the matching faces of the transmission and the flywheel housing are clean." 一般来说,装配的顺序与拆卸相反.装配时,应确保变速器的配合面和飞轮壳的清洁,2.mating annular face 环形配合面 例句:Clean the exhaust manifold and cylinder head mating surfaces.清洁排气歧管和汽缸头配合面.


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