
@卞彬2372:怎么写my school英语作文只要10句 -
苗泉13063959384…… My school My school is big and beautiful.There are a lot of trees and flowers.There is a library amd play ground.I always read books in the library and do some sports on the play ground.I really like my school!

@卞彬2372:关于未来的生活的英语作文 -
苗泉13063959384…… my future school I think my future school life will be more colorful and interesting. We won't have so many classes every day so we can have more free time to take part in more interesting activities, such as computer class, table tennis, chess and so ...

@卞彬2372:英语作文 my primary school life -
苗泉13063959384…… my school life is very colorful.Every day I go to school to have classes with my classmates and dear teachers.I like them.Not only have I learned knowledge but also share the happiness together.The most unforgetable thing in my school life happened...

@卞彬2372:假如你是高一学生李华,近日收到笔友汤姆的来信,根据以下提供的内容给汤姆回信 -
苗泉13063959384…… Dear Tom, I am very pleased to receive your letter, and thank you for sending the English story books and songs. i'd like to say something about my life in high school .I am very busy this term. I get up very early every day. There are lots of different ...

@卞彬2372:Questions{TSE}are based on the followingpassage. Language is, a...
苗泉13063959384…… Ou school life Our school life is colorful. I have eight lessons every doy . And we have maths lessons, Chinese lessons ,English Lessons and so on.And I think my teacher is frendly to me. They always help me with my study.For example ,my English ...


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