
@夏新266:求no more show -
卞沿13045447292…… no more show 没有更多的显示(表演) no more不再; 也不 show 英 [ʃəʊ] 美 [ʃoʊ] vt.& vi.表现出;给…看;显露出;上演 vt.表明;说明;指示;演示 n.显示;表演;展览;外观 vi.被人看见,显现,显而易见

@夏新266:我愿意放弃电视,原因是什么,写一篇英语作文 -
卞沿13045447292…… In June I decided to do a 30-day trial of no TV watching. DVDs were OK, but I wasn't going to watch any regular programming or cable shows or tape anything with my DVR. At the end of the 30-day trial, I was pleased with the results, so I kept going...

@夏新266:看看以下几个段落有没有语法错误或者用语不当? -
卞沿13045447292…… 帮亲改了一下.my dreami know a wonderful thing, something like a twinkling star; a glorious rose; grand sunshine. It shows us the way to success, the turnin...

@夏新266:no+比较级+than是什么意思可以举一个例句且含有仅仅的意思吗? -
卞沿13045447292…… no+比较级+than-------不比......更...... This makes us believe that the whole thing is no more than a show. 这让我们相信,整件事情仅仅(只不过)是一场秀.

@夏新266:阅读下列程序,给出运行结果 ,设(A)=3. 1000H ADD A,#02H 1002H M...
卞沿13045447292…… Big words of western tour (大话西游) Chapter 1 Site:The wedding Characters:牛魔王 、至尊宝、紫霞、小妖 Aside: The story begins with a wedding. The Bull King is going to have a concubine. 牛:Today is my wedding. I am ...

@夏新266:韩国综艺节目中有没有no. more. show这个节目 -
卞沿13045447292…… 好像有,running man 无限挑战 我们结婚了 都很好看,不过韩国好多节目都很经典,像情书、xman、强心脏等等

@夏新266:谁有老人与海精彩片段及赏析越多越好要精彩片段原文+这段的赏析 精彩片段:老人先松开钓丝,然后大喝一声,用尽全身的力气收拢钓丝,但鱼并不肯轻... - 作业帮
卞沿13045447292…… [答案] 精彩片段:老人先松开钓丝,然后大喝一声,用尽全身的力气收拢钓丝,但鱼并不肯轻易屈服,非但没有上来一英寸,反而慢慢游开去.老头把钓丝背在脊梁上增加对抗马林鱼的拉力,可是作用不大,他眼睁睁地看着小船向西北方飘去.老头想鱼这样...

@夏新266:哈姆雷特剧本精彩片段 要英文 -
卞沿13045447292…… 最经典的也就生存还是毁灭了~ 给你吧~做个参考~ Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end ...


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