
@勾畏3044:on top of、on the top of与on top of that的区别 - 作业帮
崔注19755106026…… [答案] on top of... on top of that 只是on top of的其中一个用法,因为在of之后,要加 this/these/ that/ those/ everything/ sth 等等. 即:在此之外 / 在那之外/在那些之外/在此些之外等等.

@勾畏3044:On top of that是什么意思及反义词
崔注19755106026…… On top of that 最重要的是 反义: Secondary is

@勾畏3044:on top of that是什么意思 -
崔注19755106026…… On the top of sth才是处于...的顶端 On top of that只有'另外, 还有, 熟练掌握,紧接着'的含义.

@勾畏3044:at the top of 和on the top of 的区别? -
崔注19755106026…… 1.at the top of =on (the) top of...在......顶上 The village is perched on (the)top of / at the top of a high hill. 村子坐落于一个高山顶上. 2. on top of...: 除…之外; 接着 Gale winds came on top of the floods.大风紧接着洪水袭来. He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.他失业了, 不仅如此, 他妻子也离开了他.

@勾畏3044:on the top of 和on top of的区别 -
崔注19755106026…… on the top of 指的是“在物体内部的顶部” on top of 指“在物体外面的顶上” 例句: There are three lights on the top of my room. 我的房间顶部有三盏灯. There is a bird on top of my house. 我d房顶上有一只鸟.

@勾畏3044:翻译这句话:on top of that immediate problem ,what had -
崔注19755106026…… 除了眼下这问题以外,更头疼的是过去两年来发生了…… immediate 字面意思立即的、最接近的,immediate problem翻译成眼下的问题,当前的问题比较合适; on top of 在……之(顶)上,标示优先级最高,和immediate problem在一起,意思是比immediate problem更甚,用“……之外,更”这样的的表达方式,使句子更连贯、通顺; over 的含义要体会一下,有“过去两年的积累”的含义在里面,所以用“两年来”表达; 这个句子(半句话)的核心结构是what happend was that + 宾语从句,真正要表达的意思(两年来发生的事情)还没说出来

@勾畏3044:on the top of,at the top of,on top of ,at top of,有什么区别? - 作业帮
崔注19755106026…… [答案] A on top of B,A在B的上面,A和B不是同一个物体的部分,比如人站在楼顶上; A at top of B,A在B的上面,A和B是同一个物体的部分,比如A是B的盖子.

@勾畏3044:on top of this 何解. -
崔注19755106026…… 高度重视,优先处理

@勾畏3044:On top of all of that, the pile of homework sitting on their desks seems to be... -
崔注19755106026…… on top of [简明英汉词典] adv.熟练掌握, 在...之上, 另外, 紧接着 除了所有这些之外,桌上的成堆的作业好像要堆成越来越高大的山脉一样.

@勾畏3044:On top of that add global warming. -
崔注19755106026…… On top of that add global warming. 除此之外,(更糟糕的是)还有全球变暖. on top of: 除…之外 (注意:这是指叠加和累加的那个“除...之外”) 原文应当这样来理解: 文章前面肯定说过一些对环境不好的因素或现象,这本来已经够烂的了,更加填堵的是,现在还有全球变暖问题. 供参考.


  • in view of all factors
  • to begin with
  • additionally
  • aforementioned
  • insight of
  • as a result
  • overwhelming
  • to elucidate
  • campaign
  • concede
  • particularly
  • most of that
  • to some extent
  • furthermore
  • optimize
  • on the whole
  • regardless of
  • hazard
  • whereas
  • utterly
  • yet
  • cuisine
  • one of the students
  • approach
  • in+on+at+of+for用法
  • sponsor
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