
@蓟宋3305:Othello - 搜狗百科
公怕19163302529…… Othello 英 [əu'θeləu] n. 奥赛罗(莎士比亚四大悲剧之一) 妒火中烧(或失去理智)的丈夫 例句:1. Othello was played by Olivier. 奥赛罗由奥里维扮演.2. He underacted the part of Othello. 他没有把奥赛罗这个角色的特点充分表现出来.

@蓟宋3305:othello是什么牌子的衣服?详细些 -
公怕19163302529…… 意大利OTHELLO(奥赛伦)服饰公司 拥有OTHELLO(奥赛伦)、SharMoon(夏梦)二大品牌,所有服饰采用意大利最新工艺及高档面料,主要提供高端时尚的商务装高级成衣订制.

公怕19163302529…… 《哈姆雷特》;《奥赛罗》;《李尔王》;《麦克白》四大悲剧是:《哈姆雷特》、... 《奥赛罗(Othello)》是莎士比亚创作的四大悲剧之一,大约于1603年所写作的.这...

公怕19163302529…… 奥赛罗

@蓟宋3305:othello 的英文summary怎么写? -
公怕19163302529…… Othello is a General that lives in Italy(Venice), but is a Moor. Traditionally that means he is black while everyone else is white. He is very respected and marries on of the leading families daughters. Iago is one of his most trusted lieutenants, bu

@蓟宋3305:奥赛罗的英文剧情介绍100字以内????紧急 -
公怕19163302529…… Othello is about a good general called Othello being brought down by his ancient, Iago. The play revolves around several key characters, they are Othello, his wife Desdemona, his ancient Iago. The play is set in Venice and Cyprus.

公怕19163302529…… 四大悲剧:《Hamlet》(哈姆雷特)、《Othello》(奥赛罗)、《King Lear》(李尔王)、《Mac Beth》(麦克白) 经典悲剧作品:《Romeo and Juliet》(罗密欧与朱丽叶) 四大喜剧:《 A Midsummer Night's Dream 》(仲夏夜之梦)、《As you like it》(皆大欢喜)、《Twelfth Night 》(第十二夜)、《The merchant of Venice》(威尼斯商人)

@蓟宋3305:求莎士比亚名言 原文段落 (《奥赛罗》) -
公怕19163302529…… 1.Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. (Othello 1.2) 收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的.——《奥赛罗》 2.O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on. (Othello 3.3) ...

公怕19163302529…… 奥赛罗是威尼斯公国一员勇将.他与元老的女儿苔丝狄梦娜相爱.但由于他是黑人,婚事未被允许.两人只好私下成婚.奥赛罗手下有一个阴险的旗官伊阿古,一心想除掉奥赛罗.他先是向元老告密,不料却促成了两人的婚事.他又挑拨奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的感情,说另一名副将凯西奥与苔丝狄梦娜关系不同寻常,并伪造了所谓定情信物等.奥赛罗信以为真,在愤怒中掐死了自己的妻子.当他得知真相后,悔恨之余拔剑自刎,倒在了苔丝狄梦娜身边.


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