
@阮炎707:self - defeating自败的心理学解释,哪个学派的? -
叶奖18169498162…… 有些人准备去做某件事情之前,往往会设想出许多可能遇到的困难和障碍,并被这种困难和障碍所吓倒,从而感到十分忧虑和恐惧,似乎失败就在等着自己,于是总想回避和躲开.这种由个人主观心理活动所造成的失败感就叫做心理上的自我挫...

@阮炎707:急!!!!!自虐的英文怎么说? -
叶奖18169498162…… 这些都叫自虐,含义各有侧重 self-abuse self-mutilation self-defeating self-torture self-maltreat self-abandonment

@阮炎707:与self一起组成的词组 如self evident -
叶奖18169498162…… 美国1776年颁布的《独立宣言》中最著名的一句话:我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权利."we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

叶奖18169498162…… Victory over self.

@阮炎707:self作为前缀的单词,越多越好,急!一个小时内 -
叶奖18169498162…… 1. self-absorbed adjective 2. self-abuse noun 3. self-access noun 4. self-actualization noun 5. self-addressed adjective 6. self-adhesive adjective 7. self-appointed adjective 8. self-assembly adjective 9. self-assertive adjective 10. self-assessment ...

@阮炎707:请问精神官能症和神经官能症是同一种病吗?两者有什么区别呢? -
叶奖18169498162…… “精神官能症”(neurosis or neurotic disorders)一词是早期临床心理学及精神医学对某一大类精神疾病的称呼,因为当时考量到需要系统性的分类精神疾病,以分辨疾病间的不同特性,而刚好早期精神分析取向的相关学说非常盛行,因此DSM-II...

@阮炎707:精神病和神经官能症有什么区别,洁癖是精神病还是神经官能症?强迫症是 什么? -
叶奖18169498162…… 精神病是器质性疾病,神经官能症是心理性疾病.强迫症属于神经官能症,是因为日常生活的压力等方面原因.洁癖也是强迫症,不过没那么容易下定论.逼迫自己洁净是因为压力所致,尽管很痛苦,可是病人自己也没办法.

@阮炎707:以self为前缀的单词 -
叶奖18169498162…… self-abased/contempt自卑的 self-abhorrence自我嫌恶 self-abnegation/denial自我牺牲 self-absorbed固执己见的 self-affected/conceit自负的,顾影自怜的 self-appointed自己做主的 self-assured自信的 self-blinded自欺欺人的 self-collected/ ...

@阮炎707:用英语谈谈你对good manners 的看法 -
叶奖18169498162…… Good manners are really important in one's social life.Good manners show your friends and partners or mostly people you meet the first time what a person you are.It reveals personal characteristics like if you are respectful,arrogant,or humble.Let us ...

@阮炎707:不会自找没趣英文怎么打 -
叶奖18169498162…… 不会自找没趣.Sb. will not seek something boring himself.Sb. will not seek something uninteresting himself.都可以的 希望可以帮到你 纯手写,望采纳


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  • facebook messenger
  • self-assurance
  • might have done
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  • bargain
  • self exposure
  • self-destruction
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