
@徒庙5386:动词+ something+ for sb.的单词有哪些像buy一样的用法,就是buy something for sb.还有哪些动词也是 动词+ something+ for sb. - 作业帮
淳艺18875709564…… [答案] get sb.sth.==== get sth.for sb. buy sb.sth.==== buy sth.for sb. make sb.sth.==== make sth.for sb. draw sb.sth.==== draw sth.for sb. cook sb.sth.==== cook sth.for sb. sing sb.sth.==== sing sb. change sb.sth.==== change sth.for sb.

@徒庙5386:动词+ something+ for sb.的单词有哪些 -
淳艺18875709564…… buy sth for sbmend(修理)sth for sbcook sth for sbmake sth for sbask sth for sb我们老师讲了这些,这些都是常见的.admire(赞美) sth for sboffer(演出) sth for sbprovide(准备,预防)sth for sb这是补充的.

@徒庙5386:动词+ something+ for sb.的单词有哪些 -
淳艺18875709564…… get sb. sth. ==== get sth. for sb. buy sb. sth. ==== buy sth. for sb. make sb. sth.==== make sth. for sb. draw sb. sth.==== draw sth. for sb. cook sb. sth.==== cook sth. for sb. sing sb. sth.==== sing sth. to sb. change sb. sth.==== change sth. for sb.

@徒庙5386:do+something+for+old是什么意思 - 作业帮
淳艺18875709564…… [答案] 应该是 do sth for the old 意思是为老年人做一些事情 the 后面加形容词表示一类人 例如 the young 年轻人 the foolish 愚蠢的人

@徒庙5386:do something for 后面加名词还是形容词 -
淳艺18875709564…… 加名字.因为for是介词

@徒庙5386:28815: you will need to put away something extra for -
淳艺18875709564…… 主语+need to do something for+定语

@徒庙5386:it's+形容词 for/of sb to do sth中,for与of有什么区别 -
淳艺18875709564…… it's+形容词 for/of sb to do sth中,for和of的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同.一、指代不同1、for:加for是指对某人怎么怎么样.2、of:加of是指人怎么怎么样(品质).二、用法不同1、for:for是并列连词,引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因,for前多加逗号.for用法较正式,很少用于口语,一般用于书面语.2、of:of是英语中一个常用的介词,助动词,表示……的;由…制成等意思,表示所属关系,表示关于,表示性质、内容 、状况等.三、侧重点不同1、for:for后的是形容词修饰的受体.2、of:of后的是形容词修饰的所有关系.

@徒庙5386:Eric+wanted+to+buy+something+for+his+parents改为一般疑问句 -
淳艺18875709564…… :Did Eric want to buy something for his parents.

@徒庙5386:初中英语(造句)1、buy sb.sth./buy sth.for sb.(共五句)2、something+形容词/to do(共五句)3、enough+名词/形容词+enough(共五句)4、seem+to do/... - 作业帮
淳艺18875709564…… [答案] My mother buy me a guitar for my birthday. My mother buy a guitar for my birthday. Lily buy some flowers for her teacher on Teacher's Day. Lily buy her teacher some flowers on Teacher's Day. Can you buy a T-shirt for me? I have something to do. There is ...

@徒庙5386:为什么ask sb. for sth. ask后面加for? -
淳艺18875709564…… 这个就是固定搭配,你要做的就是记住. 没有为什么? 借用我们老师的一句话,你问英国人的爷爷去.O(∩_∩)O~


  • something for stevie
  • something for nothingby
  • something important
  • somethingjustlikethis
  • something special
  • show me the money
  • something everything
  • for everything
  • something+adj
  • for love or money
  • some for nothing龙族
  • take something for
  • offer somebody something
  • something went wrong
  • provide sth for sb
  • something just like this
  • like anything
  • for anything
  • have something
  • something to do
  • things will work out
  • 龙族somethingisnothing
  • anything but
  • everything
  • anything of
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