
@太党466:take up with怎么用?有一个汉译英,“她最近和足以做她父亲的老头好上了”翻译成“she's taken up with a man old enough to be her father”.其他部分我懂... - 作业帮
鲍包15918373245…… [答案] take up with:开始与…交往;采纳、赞成;向…提出(问题等要求处理或答复)、提请…考虑这个句子里面就是与…交往的意思,有没有...还不好说哈,这个短语是没有太侧重这个含义的. 表示“开始与…交往”的例子:George ...

@太党466:动词+up+with的短语 -
鲍包15918373245…… keep up with ...跟上; catch up with ...赶上; be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤满了; speed up with...; end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇; split up with...与内.分手(断交);容 tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.等等.

@太党466:动词+up+with的短语 - 作业帮
鲍包15918373245…… [答案] keep up with ...跟上;catch up with ...赶上;be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤... end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇;split up with...与.分手(断交); tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.等等.

@太党466:take... with的中文意思
鲍包15918373245…… take an umbrella with you 随身带把伞去.这中间的take ...with 不是短语,而是 take “带,拿,送”的意思,with 是“随身携带,在...身边”的意思. take up with 是短语,意思是“和...交往”意为“鬼混” took up with a fast crowd 与一群放荡的人为伍.

@太党466:关于take的短语 -
鲍包15918373245…… 关于take的短语如下:take after 与某人相像take along 带领,携带take … apart = separate … 把……分开take away 拿走,拿去,使离开take away from… 从……带/拿走take back 退回,拿回,收回take down 拿下,记下,记录take ...

@太党466:take up和be filled with有什么区别感觉两个意思差不多啊 - 作业帮
鲍包15918373245…… [答案] 很清楚,楼主说的差不多的意思就是指的take up的“占据,占用”和be filled with"(被)充满,填满”的区别了.举个例子,The thoughts takes up her mind.和Her mind is filled with that thoughts.第一句意思是说“她被...

@太党466:用take up造句?每个意思都要造一个 - 作业帮
鲍包15918373245…… [答案] 拿起来的意思.Take up a cup.拿起杯子. 也可以像是接续的意思.She takes up his idea and continue on. 缩减,减少.Take up a gown. 或者是付钱,譬如信用卡,电话费等等.Take up payment on time. 接受,接受意见拉接受什麽这样也可以.Take up his ...

@太党466:把你学过的动词词组整理一下吧 -
鲍包15918373245……  动词+about think about(思考) hear about(听说) move about(走来走去) set about(着手;开始) bring about(带来;促成) care about(对…感兴趣)  动词+at look at(看) stare at(凝视) glare at(怒目注视) gaze at(凝视) ...

@太党466:Pick up ,begin with,take up,meet up的区别 - 作业帮
鲍包15918373245…… [答案] pick up 意思有好多种,比如接某人,无意中学会某种技能等等.begin with的意思是由什么开始.take up最常用的是占据的意思,占据时间和空间.占据比例的是用make up. meet up 是约会的意思.如果短语意思不会的话推荐你下载一个英语词典...

@太党466:谁告诉我关于take的短语和take作为花费时的用法 - 作业帮
鲍包15918373245…… [答案] take 搭 配: take after 与…相象 take apart 拆开(机器等) take…as 把…理解为 take away 拿走,夺去,使离去;减去 take down 取下;记下;拆卸 take for 认为,以为;误认为 take on 接受;包含;领会;承担,从事;呈现,具有;开始雇佣 take ...


  • be obsessed with
  • automatically
  • milk shake
  • competitive
  • be taken up with
  • commitment
  • keep intouch with
  • concentrate
  • pipe up with sth
  • assumption
  • meet up with
  • take sb with
  • confidence
  • concentrate on
  • accomplished
  • how about today
  • loose fitting
  • comparison
  • break up with
  • accompanied
  • witness
  • contribute
  • accompany
  • concentration
  • frightened
  • turn down
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