
@明韩2543:责任重于泰山用英语怎么说 -
冯向17558621288…… Responsibility on my shoulder is weightier than Mount Tai或是the responsibility on my shoulder is extremely heavy

@明韩2543:幸运的人有责任去帮助不幸的人 用英语怎么说啊 不要中译英的 求英语达人啊 -
冯向17558621288…… It is the responsibility of the luckies to help the unluckies.幸运的人有责任去帮助不幸的人 这里用the+形容词的复数表示一类人 希望对你有用 如有疑问,欢迎追问;如果喜欢,欢迎采纳 来自【翻译强团】

@明韩2543:求帮着写篇英语作文,题目:what are the responsibilities of col -
冯向17558621288…… 转载来的两篇、可以以此作为模板根据自己实际需要修改、仅作参考!1:Concretely speaking, being a current university student, we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country. The sense of responsibility for ...

@明韩2543:请高手弄一篇关于responsibility责任的英文对话,大约4分钟,谢谢! -
冯向17558621288…… A: Hello B: Hello A: what are you doing recently? B: has been busy learning and pro forma. A: how did you treated it? B: I think it is a responsibility,As a teacher, one should he reslonsible to the students. As a student, one should recognize his or her ...

@明韩2543:Responsibility这个单词是什么意思啊 -
冯向17558621288…… 是名词:责任,职责 例如:1、The state, quality, or fact of being responsible. 负责任:负责任的状态、品质或事实. 2、Something for which one is responsible; a duty, an obligation, or a burden. 责任:一个人应对之负责的事情;职责、义务或负担

@明韩2543:responsibility可数吗 -
冯向17558621288…… responsibility 在作为“责任;义务;重任;职权”的意思时是不可数的. 例如:If someone is given responsibility, they are given the right or opportunity to make important decisions or to take action without having to get permission from anyone ...

@明韩2543:不可推卸的责任英语怎么说 -
冯向17558621288…… 不可推卸的责任 用英语表达 翻译如下:1、Unshakable duty2、unshirkable responsibility3、compelling obligation4、inescapable responsibility 上述说法都可以.例句:The five nuclear-weapon states bear special and unshirkable responsibility in this respect. 在这方面,五个核武器国家有着特殊和不可推卸的责任.


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