
@厉凌2662:介绍星空的 英语文章 尽量多字数一点 -
尚翔13269896445…… The Starry Night' was not Van Gogh's first depiction of a night sky. In Arles, he had been proud of his painting of the stars and the reflection of the lights of the town in the River Rhône, one of the first results of a plan intimated to Emile Bernard in ...

@厉凌2662:None Of which would matter very much were there not something repulsive at the heart of the theo -
尚翔13269896445…… 这个是省略引导词if的条件虚拟语气的倒装句. 主句是:None Of which would matter very much 后面were there not something repulsive at the heart of the theory是省略引导词if的虚拟语气倒装句. 原句是: None Of which would matter very much if there were not something repulsive at the heart of the theory

@厉凌2662:要一份梵高的弟弟 提奥的资料 英文的 谢谢 -
尚翔13269896445…… Dear Theo, There is something on my mind that I want to tell you about. You may perhaps know something of it already and it will not be news to you. I wanted to let you know that I fell so much in love with Kee Vos this summer that I can find no other ...

@厉凌2662:求关于人生的英语作文!!!急!! -
尚翔13269896445…… When does life really begin? Is it when the first fluttering beats of the primitive heart of a fetus start, or when the child is pushed from the womb into the world? Does it all actually start at the moment of conception when the egg and sperm meet and mix...

@厉凌2662:求几本DND类的小说,最好是完本的额 -
尚翔13269896445…… 个人认为写的比较好的几部小说是: 《昆古尼尔》、《迦南之心》(dnd网游经典)、《法师故事》和《法师故事2》(另外说一下,法师故事2是没完结的,而且是个很大的坑…)、《无限深寒》(未完,待填坑,坑也比较大…)、《传奇法师之路》(未完,待填坑,坑也比较大…),另外这本《永归不朽》我暂时没看,不过看介绍貌似还算可以的,不过由于我还没看就暂时不做过多评论了.总的来说,我感觉dnd类型的小说暂时还是比较少的,不过我列举的那几部包括没写完的都算是写的相当不错的dnd或者是类小说啦,反正我是看的很入迷啦,所以就再次推荐一下,特别是已写完的那三部,真的写的相当精彩.那么有兴趣的网游可以去看看.

@厉凌2662:博物馆奇妙夜3里有哪些演员 -
尚翔13269896445…… 1、《博物馆奇妙夜3》演员表: 角色 演员 Larry Daley 本·斯蒂勒 Teddy Roosevelt 罗宾·威廉姆斯 Jedediah 欧文·威尔逊 Octavius 史蒂夫·库根 Lancelot 丹·史蒂文斯 法老王 本·金斯利 Ahkmenrah Rami Malek Madeline Phelps 拉琪儿·哈...

@厉凌2662:英语名人名言 -
尚翔13269896445…… ·All things in their being are good for something. · 天生我才必有用. · Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. · 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书. · Failure is the...

@厉凌2662:英语翻译,急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
尚翔13269896445…… 巧克力是由可可树上的可可豆做成的,可可树只能在特殊的条件下生长.当非常小的时候,他们需要很多的绿荫.在其它树木的树荫下成长是最好的.当他们长大了,他们需要一点点阳光,但不能太多.农民们在可可树的旁边种一些高大的树,用来当作绿荫.这样的话,可可树可以保持健康将近一千年,甚至更久.可可油脂在37 ℃ 融化,仅低于人类身体的温度.这也就是为什么巧克一放入嘴里后,马上就会融化的原因.一长方块巧克力可以杀死一只狗!其中巧克力中有一种成分叫作可可碱,会使狗的心跳与神经系统加快.对于大多数狗来说,那个太多了.如果是猫和其他宠物,也会发生同样的反应.

@厉凌2662:请帮我翻译一段话,谢谢,务求准确. -
尚翔13269896445…… 服务员:晚上好,请问你有预定吗? Waitress: Good evening! Have you made a reservation? 1:是的,我的名字的钟小姐. Yes. I am Zhong (英语中一般不用小姐/先生称呼自己) 服务员:有了,一张两个人的桌子,靠近窗户.请来这边. 1...


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