
@门宜4393:《小王子》简介:英语1000字内紧急! - 作业帮
舌怕13747172230…… [答案] 这两篇怎么样? the Little Prince – A Tale of Love and Life Title: the Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I've not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale...

@门宜4393:Prince在英语里是什么意思? -
舌怕13747172230…… 就我所知道的,和你交流一下(是不是在上“语言文化课”?):#prince做“王子,亲王”讲时指:王室中非君主的男性成员,尤指君主的儿子,如戴安娜生的威廉王子.#prince还有“国君,君主...

舌怕13747172230…… Melancholy Prince melancholy prince忧郁王子这个表达是最标准的

@门宜4393:《小王子》用英文概括主要内容 -
舌怕13747172230…… The story of The Little Prince is summarized as follows: The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship. The pilot is a fantasy person. He is not used to those who are too practical adults. He likes to get along ...

@门宜4393:英文版《小王子》的优秀句段跪求10句以上的原版(英文版)《小王子》中的好句,并给予解释... - 作业帮
舌怕13747172230…… [答案] 1.但是,种子是看不到的,它们熟睡在深深地黑色泥土里,直到其中一颗被欲望催醒.于是这颗小种子将会 伸伸懒腰——开... with a lugubrious air. "Why are you drinking?" demanded the little prince. "So that I may forget," replied the tippler. "...

@门宜4393:“玫瑰王子' 的英文怎么写? -
舌怕13747172230…… the Rose prince 或者 the prince of rose

@门宜4393:忧郁王子的英文拼写? -
舌怕13747172230…… Melancholy Prince

@门宜4393:苹果王子用英语怎么写 -
舌怕13747172230…… 苹果王子 Prince of the Apple Towns

@门宜4393:忧郁王子(英语怎么写) -
舌怕13747172230…… The melancholy Prince 忧郁王子 望采纳!

@门宜4393:埃及王子英文简介 -
舌怕13747172230…… The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 American animated epic musical semi-historical drama film and the first traditionally animated film produced and released by DreamWorks Animation. The film is an adaptation of the Book of Exodus and follows Moses...


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