
@钭沫4693:web+of+science需要漫游才能查询,怎么弄? -
宫岭18984797751…… 你需要一个校园网==

@钭沫4693:web of science怎么样 -
宫岭18984797751…… 你好.web of science翻译成中文是:科学引文索引.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.

@钭沫4693:We often praise the world of science.It explains the world and makes our lives easier with technology.One of the most exciting... - 作业帮
宫岭18984797751…… [答案] 答案:28.D 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子It explains the world and makes our lives easier with technology.它解释了世界,让我们的生活更加轻松...

@钭沫4693:web of science怎么生成引用 -
宫岭18984797751…… 在Web of Science中生成引用格式,用户需要先搜索到所需的论文引用,然后点击页面上的“引用”按钮,在下拉菜单中选择所需的引用格式(如APA、MLA、Chicago等),最后复制生成的引用格式即可.Web of Science是一个广泛使用的学...

@钭沫4693:英语作文 what do you think of science?
宫岭18984797751…… Nowadays, technology and science develop fast, and computers have become common in families. A lot of families even have more than one computer. However, with this phenomenon, some problems raised. First of all, computers can release ...

@钭沫4693:英语作文 题目What kind of convenience has the development of science and technology brought us? -
宫岭18984797751…… The development of science and technology brought us so many convenience.First,the cars,planes,ships and trains can take us to anywhere in the wide world.The telephones is so useful.We can contact our friends in anytime on-line.We can ...

@钭沫4693:改错:We know good knowledge of science is very important for a student who wants to do scientific(连着上面的)research. - 作业帮
宫岭18984797751…… [答案] We know 【a good knowledge】 of science is very important for a student who wants to do scientific research. 【a good knowledge of+n】 前面要加不定冠词的

@钭沫4693:英语作文 题目What kind of convenience has the development of science and technology brought us?要求8句话以上,不要偏题!贴近生活 - 作业帮
宫岭18984797751…… [答案] The development of science and technology brought us so many convenience.First,the cars,planes,ships and trains can take us to anywhere in the wide world.The telephones is so useful.We can contact our friends in anytime on-line.We can watching ...

@钭沫4693:连词成句 two less we in have week a the science(.)) -
宫岭18984797751…… two、class、we、in、have、week、a、the、science连词成句:1. We have two science classes in a week.我们一周有两节科学课.2. We have two science classes in the week.我们这周有两节科学课.要么用a,要么用the.

@钭沫4693:英语翻译翻译E - book.good or bad.Nowdays,along with the develop of science and technology.everyboday have at least one mobile.So we can easliy read book ... - 作业帮
宫岭18984797751…… [答案] 译文:电子书.好还是坏.如今,随着科学技术的发展.每个人至少有一个手机.所以我们可以很容易的在移动终端上读书,比如说手机,MP4、电脑等等.但它对我们是好还是坏.我认为这是不好的.首先,电子书让人们的生活更方便,我们不需要离开家时...


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