
师华13979902183…… 官方入口:https//:write.asWriteAs适合于写作的文章发布平台是一款国外的内容发布系统,集成了匿名内容发布和博客功能,最大特点是介面设计简单干净,更能集中精神在书写创作上.

@裘钩2617:writeas怎么找文章? -
师华13979902183…… writeas找文一般方法是:进入官网并登录账户,输入关键字搜索想要查找的文章即可. 进入,进入后点击log in 不用输入,往下滑,找到help,进入后再点击read the guide后滑到最下面,有一个To search. 网站介绍 WriteAs 是一款国外的内容发布系统,集成了匿名内容发布和博客功能,最大特点是介面设计简单干净,更能集中精神在旅脊书写创作上.免费和两种付费方案,基本上免费就能使用大部分功宽兆能,差别仅在于可建立的内容数慎镇租量、每篇文章字数和输出功能. 打开服务将内容输入后产生网址即可,想要添加独立的域名需要购买才行,每年10美金,无流量和文章数量的限制.

@裘钩2617:write as - _____names as you can A many country or city B many country and city为什么选 A - 作业帮
师华13979902183…… [答案] A

@裘钩2617:write a passage about eating habits and how to eat healthily in china
师华13979902183…… You can't eat raw vegetables in China (unless they have a skin you can remove) because they still put human sewage on all the fields. As for foods in restaurants... it's hard to get anything that would be considered "healthy" - low salt, no msg, no ...

@裘钩2617:please write AS if you think five times ten is fifty ,if not please write 50 on the line. -
师华13979902183…… 如果你认为5X10=50,请在横线上填AS,否则填50.

@裘钩2617:Write an email to say thank you to an English - speaking friend with whom you have stayed for a fe
师华13979902183…… Write an email to say thank you to an English-speaking friend with whom you have stayed for a few days. 写一封电子邮件,谢谢你的一个已经呆了几天的讲英语的朋友. 定语从句 whom you have stayed for a few days. 定的是 an English-speaking friend

@裘钩2617:Write an invitation letter according to the Chinese information given below. -
师华13979902183…… Dear Dasiy:We are glad to invite you and your friend Lotus to attend the new year day party, which will be held at 7-9 PM, on Dec. 31st, 2015, and the party adress is at the second floor of the institute lecture hall.Furthermore, Ms dasiy is welcomed ...


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