
@於以3536:I 'll write to him - ----. A. as soon as possible B. as soon as he can C.as quick as possible -
人楠15733847520…… 你好,同学,才看到你向我们团队发来的求助题,现在为你解答 正确答案:选A 即:I'll write to him as soon as possible.翻译:我会尽快给他写信.解析:A. as soon as possible 指尽可能快的,指时间上尽快,相当于as soon as I can 与题意相符;B. as soon as he can 与主语不一致;C. as quick as possible 指速度上尽可能快,如跑的速度 D. as quick as I can 和C项是同义 综上所述,A是正确的.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)

@於以3536:Tim doesn`t write English - --his sister. A. more clearly as B. as clearly as -
人楠15733847520…… Tim doesn`t write English___his sister. A. more clearly as B. as clearly as 选B 翻译 Tim没有2113他姐姐英语写得清楚5261 【as+adj+as】和...一样 A没有这4102种用法1653 要么就是more clearly than,表示比较级 有不专会的属可以再问我

@於以3536:Jim writes as - (仔细)as Lily.谢谢!大笑,词组?as后跟什么?
人楠15733847520…… carefully

@於以3536:Lucy writes as - - - as Lily.They are both good students. -
人楠15733847520…… B as + 原级+ as表示: 和...一样( A, B) write 是行为动词,用副词carefully去修饰

@於以3536:writeas官网在哪找文章? -
人楠15733847520…… writeas找文一般方法是:进入官网并登录账户,输入关键字搜索想要查找的文章即可. 进入,进入后点击log in 不用输入,往下滑,找到help,进入后再点击read the guide后滑到最下面,有一个To search. 网站介绍 WriteAs 是一款国外的内容发布系统,集成了匿名内容发布和博客功能,最大特点是介面设计简单干净,更能集中精神在旅脊书写创作上.免费和两种付费方案,基本上免费就能使用大部分功宽兆能,差别仅在于可建立的内容数慎镇租量、每篇文章字数和输出功能. 打开服务将内容输入后产生网址即可,想要添加独立的域名需要购买才行,每年10美金,无流量和文章数量的限制.

@於以3536:The boy - - a pen out of his pencil - case and begin to write. A,take B,Bring C,get D,took -
人楠15733847520…… A take sth out of 拿出某东西 and 后面的begin是 现在时,所以前面也应该用现在时

@於以3536:he will write to you as soon as he - - there A.got B.gets C.get -
人楠15733847520…… B. 因为as soon as不可以用将来时,要用一般现在时代替

@於以3536:英语高手教我下,好的30分69 He spent five hours_______(finish)drawing the picture 74Mrs chan told us to write as____(care) as we could75we're old enough... - 作业帮
人楠15733847520…… [答案] 69.finishing:spend ...(in) doing sth 花……做……(finishing doing sth是正确的) 74.carefully:write carefully (副词carefully修饰动词write) 75.to help:表示结果(结果可以帮助父母做家务了)

@於以3536:Jack is a careless boy. He doesn't write as - -----as Mary. A careful B more carefully Ccarefully -
人楠15733847520…… C as carefully as 和..一样认真 more的出现无非是混淆视听 它想表达: Jack 比 Mary 更认真 但是我们看原句,Jack is a careless boy, 后面Mary的出现肯定是起对比作用(Mary 更认真) 那么那个空肯定就不能填 as more carefully as Mary 了(他没有比Mary认真,也不能说明他比Mary不认真.) 还是要根据语境分析 希望能帮到你~

@於以3536:Write - ----and try not to make any mistakes. A. -
人楠15733847520…… 句子转变一下,选A就很明确了:You should write as careful as possible...这句里省略了主语you,所以往往会把carefully认为是修饰write的,其实不然.


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