
The so-called clock time, in seconds, minutes, when the time for the units, widely used in daily life. This design uses six LED digital display of the hours, minutes and seconds to 24-hour time means time. 80 C51 use the timer / counter to achieve clock counting function. Clock time is the key issue of a second, because the second is the smallest unit of the clock, but the use of 80 C51 timer / counter for timing, that is, by working methods 1, the largest of its regular time can only reach 131 ms, worse from one second Very far away. Therefore, the second time with regular hardware and software integration of the counting method, such as the timing of the timer is set to 125 ms, this overflow eight counts can be 1 s, and eight counts can use the software method. The use of interruption, that is interrupted by service procedures counter the cumulative number of overflow, or get full eight seconds time. Then through the process of accumulation and numerical value compared to achieve from seconds to hours and from the time. That is, over 60 minutes on each count of second unit plus 1, will continue to count under. This design also shows that the buffer zone set up, time in six LED display on the show hours, minutes and seconds, two each, in an internal RAM set up six units in the display buffer zone, from left to right were stored, the sub - , The second values.

急求帮忙翻译成英语 …… We will also encounter many difficulties in our life and study . You will enjoy the taste of success when you overcome the difficulties.

急求英文翻译成中文(全文翻译)A:Mrs Lee l've stayed here for almost a weekl really must leave tomorrow B:pleaes feel free to stay as long as you want you ... - 作业帮 …… [答案] A:李太太,我呆在这里已近一星期了,明天真的要离开了. B:请放心在此长住吧,你想住多长也行,你知道这里永远欢迎你的. A:你对我实在是太好了. B:那在你离开之前我还有什么可以帮助你的吗? A:没什么了,你为我所做的已经够多了.感...

急求翻译成英文几句话 …… 第一句,Dear marry me! 第二句,I dissemination ah 第三句,Rafah death happiness 相信我.没错滴

急求各路英文高手帮忙把下文翻译成英文 十万火急!!!感激不尽!! - …… I don't know how to tell you,I miss you so much after I called you that night,you must scold me when you know this,but I really love you,the examination is coming,I have a strong willing to study after listening to your voice in the phone,I really hope you ...

急求英文翻译 …… Once there was a true love in front of me, I did not cherish, until the lost time is too late to regret, the most painful thing in the world. If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that girl: I love you! If the non love had to be set the last term, I hope it is ten thousand years!

急求英文翻译!!!! …… 大家好,我是XXX 我这次演讲的主题是天使之城 Hello everybody!I'm XXX.The theme of my speech is the "City of Angels" today. 天使之城 City of Angels …………………… 机器翻译太雷 人工翻译太累

急求英文翻译! …… The foreign small yellow chrysanthemum - - may set minds at rest, the favor flesh, maintains a youth. the verdolaga - - includes rich nutrient contents and so on Vitamin E, Vitamin C, renieratene and Guguangantai, but also contains rich ingredients ...

急求英文翻译!!!一共两篇,希望帮忙 - …… 1.On 15 October 2008 UNICEF created the "World of Handwashing Day" so that people understand the importance of hand washing and develop a healthy lifestyle.More than 60 developing countries in Asia and Africa held a variety of activities ...


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