溺水的急救措施 英语作文 不要太长,要点要清晰 谢谢

First aid for drowning

The wet clothes should be removed immediately and the person should be kept warm by covering with a blanket. The patient's face should be turned down to one side and his arms stretched above his head. The water should be drained out of the lungs by raising the middle part of the body. Mouth to mouth artificial respiration should be given if the breathing is slow or absent. Once he starts breathing, he should be kept warm by a blanket and then shifted to a hospital.




First Aid for Drowning
If your child is the victim of a near-drowning (心脏未停搏则称溺水,否则为溺死), this fast-action rescue plan can prevent a tragedy.
Your first priority is to get a drowning child out of the water as quickly as possible. If she isn't breathing, place her on her back on a firm surface. Immediately begin rescue breathing(人工呼吸), below, and have someone call for help. Don't assume it's too late to save a child's life -- even if she's unresponsive, continue performing CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏) and do not stop until medical professionals take over

Drowning is to point to the person was under water because of respiratory tract of water into spasm stimulation, shrinkage obstruction, cause choking and lack of oxygen. A drowning man will often present face is bruised and swollen, eyes congestion, vomit a white mo, the phenomenon such as cold limbs, need of emergency rescue. 

Emergency measures

As soon as possible after a drowning man had found that should be the rescue of the water, but playing rescuer such as don't know the water rescue and don't understand the hydrologic information, not water easily, can make full use of the equipment, such as rope, poles, life saving, etc. 

A drowning man will be flat on the ground miscalculates, quickly open the mouth cavity, clear in the nose, throat inside the foreign body, such as silt, weeds, so as to make the respiratory maintain patency. 

When a drowning man had to stop breathing or very weak, shall be immediately implement method of artificial respiration, and when necessary, doing chest outside heart pressure.         

Breathing, heartbeat had a drowning man short-term recovery may stop again, so 10 million don't give up artificial respiration, should have been to stick to professional rescue workers coming. 

Had a minor shoulds not be launching save, can adopt the way police for help. 

For a drowning man had attention to keep warm.

First aid for drowning
The wet clothes should be removed immediately and the person should be kept warm by covering with a blanket. The patient's face should be turned down to one side and his arms stretched above his head. The water should be drained out of the lungs by raising the middle part of the body. Mouth to mouth artificial respiration should be given if the breathing is slow or absent. Once he starts breathing, he should be kept warm by a blanket and then shifted to a hospital.

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