
@杨邦4879:achieve前面为什么要用of? -
雍复13393934098…… chance of achieving完成的可能性 genders of people 人们的性别 horns of animals 动物的角 of 意为“的” 采纳我哟!

@杨邦4879:it is + adj + of you 与 it is + adj + for you 的区别 -
雍复13393934098…… 1.It is adj. + for +sb.+ to do 与事物有关的形容词时用 for (e.g. possible,impossible, important,necessary,essential,convenient,difficult,hard, easy,useless...) 例句:It is difficult for him to do so. 2.It is adj. + of +sb.+ to do 与人的赞美和批评有关的形容...

@杨邦4879:be+adj+of是怎样的用法和翻译 -
雍复13393934098…… 某某人是怎么样的 It is +of+sb to do sth It is kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

@杨邦4879:if I can achieve future I will strive for you 什么意思 -
雍复13393934098…… achieve: 实现 strive: 付出一切 future: 将来可能的成功 解释为,如果我在将来成就了一番事业,我会付出到时的一切来追求你.

@杨邦4879:achieve your goals 什么意思? -
雍复13393934098…… doing放弃某事/.如: You have to give in sometimes to achieve your goals即屈服的意思一般作不及物动词 give up sth/做某事

雍复13393934098…… I+think+of+you 我暗自认为+ +你

@杨邦4879:achieve的用法 -
雍复13393934098…… arrive in+大地点 I have just arrived in London/China/school arrive at+小地点 I have just arrived at bar/home

雍复13393934098…… 别人帮助了你 说 that's very kind of you = 你真是个好心人 请采纳谢谢

雍复13393934098…… 由于你说甚么,每点爱上你了.知道吗

雍复13393934098…… So how can you achieve success and what leads you to success. 你是如何达到成功和甚么导致你成功.


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