
@何素5806:achievement - 搜狗百科
蓟官15356814295…… Define achievement : [??'t??i:vm??nt] n. 成就,成绩,完成,达到 例句与用法: 1. Effort and achievement are always in full accord. 努力和成就总是相辅相承的. 2. The Apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical ...

@何素5806:achievement是什么意思 -
蓟官15356814295…… achievement [英][əˈtʃi:vmənt][美][əˈtʃivmənt] n.完成,达到; 成就,成绩; 复数:achievements 例句: 1. What do you see as your greatest achievement in life? 你认为在你生命中最大的成就是什么? 2. I saw that achievement as a possible pattern for the entire ghetto. 我把那次成功看作整个黑人区可以仿效的榜样.

@何素5806:achievement的用法 - 作业帮
蓟官15356814295…… [答案] achievement的用法 1.达成;完成[U] achievement of an ambition 抱负的实现 2.成就,成绩[C] The invention of the computer is a great achievement. 发明电脑是一大成就. 例句与用法: 1.Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great ...

蓟官15356814295…… 成绩

蓟官15356814295…… . 成就;完成;达到

@何素5806:achievement的用法 -
蓟官15356814295…… achievement的用法1. 达成;完成[U]achievement of an ambition抱负的实现2. 成就,成绩[C]The invention of the computer is a great achievement.发明电脑是一大成就.例句与用法: 1. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great ...

@何素5806:achievement可数吗? -
蓟官15356814295…… 可数 有些句子前面可以加a的.. achievement KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 达成;完成[U] achievement of an ambition 抱负的实现 2. 成就,成绩[C] The invention of the computer is a great achievement. 发明电脑是一大成就. 例句与用法: 1. Flying across the ...

@何素5806:achievement怎么读.语音 -
蓟官15356814295…… achievement 的音标是:英 /əˈtʃi:vmənt/ 美 /əˈtʃivmənt/ . 语音请参考 achievement常见的含义有:成就、成绩、完成、达到.例句:Effort and achievement are always in full accord. 努力和成就总是相辅相承的.

@何素5806:英语achievement怎么读 -
蓟官15356814295…… ə'tʃi:vmənt 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^


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