
@井具5682:英语词汇辨析1,chop和cut有什么区别 -
於泽13721251327…… chop 英 [tʃɒp] 美 [tʃɑ:p] v.切碎,砍;向下猛击度;降低;终止 n.排骨;砍,剁;掌劈;嘴周围的地方 If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife or an axe. cut 英 [kʌt] 美 [kʌt] vt.& vi.将(某物)切...

@井具5682:多音字“凿”的各个注音,组词,和解释 -
於泽13721251327…… 拼音:záo 注音:ㄗㄠˊ旧读zuó,现以不用部首:凵,部外笔画:10,总笔画:12五笔86:OGUB 五笔98:OUFB 仓颉:TCTU 笔顺编号:224314311252 四角号码:32772 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+51FF [编辑本段]基本字义 ● 凿(凿)...

於泽13721251327…… 都不是.奂 繁体字:奂拼音:huàn 注音:ㄏㄨㄢˋ部首:大,部外笔画:4,总笔画... -----------------------------------------◎ 凿chisel cut a hole方言集汇------------------------------------...

@井具5682:1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup( )Put it in a big pot( )Put the cup into the water(排序( 1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup( )Put it in a big pot(... - 作业帮
於泽13721251327…… [答案] ( 1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup开个洞在一个纸杯的底 (8 )Put it in a big pot把它放进大锅 (5 )Put the cup into the water茶杯放到水里 (4 )Add some soil over the seeds加一些土壤种子 ( 7 )In several days.sprouts come out of the ...

@井具5682:请问one and a half作主语,谓语动词应该用单数还是复数? -
於泽13721251327…… 这是一个很有趣的问题. 对于“one and a half+复数名词”以及“a+单数名词+and a half”用作主语:国内出版的书几乎都认为一律用单数谓语,但近年来一些国外的权威词书(如《朗文当代英语词典》、 夸克等的《英语语法大全》等) 都认...

@井具5682:洞的英文是什么意思 -
於泽13721251327…… 洞[dòng] 名 cavity; (物体上穿通的或凹入较深的部分; 窟窿; 洞穴) hole 形 (深远; 透彻) profound; thorough; clear; hollow 点着的香烟在他衣服上烧了一个洞. A lighted cigarette burned a hole in his clothes. 盗贼在篱笆上割了个洞. The thieves cut a hole in the fence

@井具5682:高中英语常用短语集锦 -
於泽13721251327…… 你好!先说明是粘贴的.一.不同的动词,后面加上相同的小品词.1, 动词+away构成的短语有:throw away 扔掉 carry away 运走 put away 把...收好 run away 潜逃,跑开 give away 捐赠,分发 go away 走开2, 动词+for构成的短语有:...

@井具5682:英语谜语 -
於泽13721251327…… 1. eat it (吃了它)2.because it is not letter “A”3.because it`s too far for them to walk. (对它们来说走路太远了) step closer(差一步)

@井具5682:排序( 1 )Cut a hole at the bottom of a paper cup( )Put it in a big pot( )Put the cup into the -
於泽13721251327…… sorry,Willing to help but unable to do so.

@井具5682:put it in a big - 作业帮
於泽13721251327…… [答案] 把它放进一个锅里 pot 名词 n. 1.罐;壶;锅[C] 2.一罐(壶、锅)之量[C][(+of)] She made a pot of tea for her guests. 她给客人沏了一壶茶. 3.便壶[C] 4.大量,大笔(款子)[P1][(+of)] He's got pots of money. 他有许多钱. 5.一局赌注总额[the S] 6.奖...


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