
@佟荣6184:Haste makes waste!是谁提出的?真的好精辟!
谈咸18321004990…… Haste makes waste! 的确很精辟!这是一句英语谚语,是民间流传下来的,谁第一个提出的已经很难考证.另外,汉语中也有“欲速则不达”这个谚语.这句话被收录在《论语·子路》中,是子路问政于孔子时,孔子的回答.所以,在汉语中则是孔子先提出的.

@佟荣6184:"心急吃不了热豆腐"怎么翻译? - 作业帮
谈咸18321004990…… [答案] 心急吃不了热豆腐(Haste makes waste) 《希望英语》上就是这么说的哦: 心急吃不了热豆腐(Haste makes waste)

@佟荣6184:"心急吃不了热豆腐" 在英语中怎么说 -
谈咸18321004990…… "心急吃不了热豆腐" 英语中最经典的说法是这句:"Haste makes waste." "希望英语"中"心急吃不了热豆腐"就是这句:Haste makes waste. 心急吃不了热豆腐.英文谚语是:"A watched pot never boils." :)~~

@佟荣6184:一只手在拔草的成语 -
谈咸18321004990…… 揠苗助长 [yà miáo zhù zhǎng] 成语百科 本词条是多义词,共2个义项展开 揠苗助长是一个成语,读音是yà miáo zhù zhǎng,意思是比喻为急于求成,反而坏了事. 中文名 揠(拔)苗助长 外文名 Haste makes waste 出处 《孟子·公孙丑上》 拼音 yà miáo zhù zhǎng 解释 比喻为急于求成,反而坏了事 释义 揠:拔起.把苗拔起,帮助其生长,比喻不管事物的发展规律,强求速成,反而把事情弄糟.也作“拔苗助长”.[1]

@佟荣6184:以haste makes waste欲速则不达为题写一篇100词英语短文高一水平 -
谈咸18321004990…… 展开全部"Haste makes waste" is all English proverb which is full of logic. This proverb has become a precept whose value is universally accepted. It reminds us that if we are to accomplish anything, we must do it step by step. If we are to achieve ...

@佟荣6184:Haste makes - ----, and - ----makes want, and want makes strife between good man and his wife. -
谈咸18321004990…… 这是John Ray在1678年出版的《A Collection of English Proverbs》中的一句名言,原句是: “Haste makes waste, and waste makes want, and want makes strife between the goodman and his wife” 用最简洁的中文表达这句话意思是: “欲速则不达” 由于原句是中世纪英语,直接翻译到中文的意思是: 匆忙会误事,误事的结果是人贫,人贫之后夫妻反目斗. 希望对你有帮助!若满意请及时采纳,还有疑问请追问~

@佟荣6184:谁能翻译一下这个的意思,好像是一句谚语haste make waste -
谈咸18321004990…… The Europeans have tasted the bitter fruits of "haste makes waste." Obviously the Chinese proverb "Who eats too fast breaks the bowl" does make sense.欧洲人尝到「吃紧弄破碗」的苦果,显然中国人所谓的「欲速则不达」一语有其道理所在.

@佟荣6184:"Haste makes waste."是什么意思?
谈咸18321004990…… 欲速不达

@佟荣6184:心急吃不了热豆腐的英文怎么说 -
谈咸18321004990…… 心急吃不了热豆腐(haste makes waste) 《希望英语》上就是这么说的哦:)~~ 心急吃不了热豆腐(haste makes waste)

@佟荣6184:谚语“欲速则不达”用英语怎么说 -
谈咸18321004990…… 翻译如下:Haste makes waste 或 More haste, less speed. 例句:欲速则不达,你得一步一步地干.Haste makes waste you have got to do it step by step.


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