
@福于5926:1.not only...but also的谓语动词应用单数还是复数2.now that是什么意思3.翻译;他写字不如她认真
那瑞18937995875…… not only...but also...的谓语要看与but also搭配的成份的形式来决定,如果but also后跟的是复数,那谓语就是复数,反之是单数.now that是“既然,由于”的意思他写字不如她认真 He doesn't write as seriously as her.

@福于5926:Lucy writes as - - - as Lily.They are both good students. -
那瑞18937995875…… B as + 原级+ as表示: 和...一样( A, B) write 是行为动词,用副词carefully去修饰

@福于5926:write+it/them+down,it,them可放down后吗?write+sth+down还是write+down+sth? -
那瑞18937995875…… 都可以,一般在词组中代词的使用时将代词放中间,如: write it down write down his words

@福于5926:某冰块中有一小石块,冰和石块的总质量是55g,将它们放在盛有水的圆柱形容器中恰好悬浮于水中(如图甲所示 -
那瑞18937995875…… 、冰融化后容器水面下降,可知冰块溶化成水后体积变小,质量不变,则有: V冰p冰=(V冰-0.5·10cm3)·P水 求解即得:V冰=50cm32、m石=m总-m冰=m总-V冰P冰=10g3、p石=m石/V石; 由题意,在甲图中石块和冰块悬浮,则受力平衡: P水g(V冰+V石)=m总g 求解得:P石=2g/cm3

@福于5926:Write - ---and try not to make any mistakes . A:as careful as possible B:as carefully as you can -
那瑞18937995875…… Write----and try not to make any mistakes . A:as careful as possible B:as carefully as you canC: most careful D: more careful 选B 【as +形容词/副词+as possible】尽可能... 修饰动词用副词 如果是CD的话,应该有than 有不会的可以再问我

那瑞18937995875…… Ice cream (formerly and properly ice-cream, derived from earlier iced cream) is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners

@福于5926:Please write as - --(care )as possible -
那瑞18937995875…… carefully. as+ adv +as possible 用作状语,表示尽可能……,尽量…… 这句话care副词形式为carefully

@福于5926:java中write(i+""+s)是什么意思 -
那瑞18937995875…… 如果i和s是字符串的话,就是把他们相连起来 如果i或s是int类型就隐式把他们转换成字符串再相连 int i = 1; String s = i + "";这种是把int转成String的小技巧

@福于5926:As soon as he - ---, he will write to me. -
那瑞18937995875…… 选Barrive,get,reach都可以表达到达的意思但get后面必须加to和地点reach虽然不用介词但一定要加地点只有arrive可以只说明到达,而没有指明地点此时arrive后面不用加介词...

@福于5926:Write - - and try not to make any mistakes.A,as careful as possible B,as carefully as you can -
那瑞18937995875…… B 因为WRITE是动词,要用副词来修饰,所以选B] CAREFULLY是副词


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