
Many boy students believe that the agent James Bond is really smart as a professional spy when they watch the movies of 007. In fact. It was Xishi, one of the four prettist beauties of ancient China,
Eating in our lives is essential, then please wecolme the inventor of Dongpo Pork to speak! 3.在当今社会,乘坐热气球已经成为了一种流行的出行方式,从热气球上看风景可以给人们带来别样的视觉享受。那,这种工具是由谁发明的呢?让我们欢迎莘七娘!
In today's society, taking hot air balloon is becoming a popular way to fly up. It has very special view from a hot air balloon. Well, who invented this technolegel? Let us welcome Xin Qiniang!
Nowadays, our life relies on telephone. We can't do anything without telephone. So, welcome Bell to speak!
With a high speed development of science and technology, our country's space technology is also in fast progress. Now let's listen what aerospace is!
For the script's requirements, the part of the play is fictional and any similarity is purely coincidental.


1. Many male classmate in see 007 will feel James Bond is in the spy occupation is handsome, maybe you do not know who created this career. In fact, the earliest spy is one of the four most beautiful women in ancient China of west. Below, everyone applauded welcome! 2. Eat in our life is indispensable, then please dongpo pork to the inventor of the talk! 3. In today's society, in a balloon has become a popular travel mode, from a hot air balloon to look at the scenery can give people bring another visual enjoyment. That, the tool who invented? Let us welcome lasting seven niang! 4. Now, the lives of many people is inseparable from the phone. So, please welcome the bell speech. 5. With the height of the development of science and technology, our nation's space technology are improving. Now let us know more about space knowledge! In order to plot needs, part of the plot for fiction, such as is too, by coincidence. (ask everybody to help, try to hurry up, I'm going to use the sentence too difficult, not necessary. We can follow good, but also do not want too Chinese type English, if satisfied, I'll add cent)

1. Many boy students believe that the agent James Bond is really smart as a professional spy when they watch the movies of 007. In fact. It was Xishi, one of the four prettist beauties of ancient China, who created this career. Now, please applaude to welcome her!
2.Eating in our lives is essential, then please wecolme the inventor of Dongpo Pork to speak!
3. In today's society, taking hot air balloon is becoming a popular way to fly up. It has very special view from a hot air balloon. Well, who invented this technolegel? Let us welcome Xin Qiniang!
4. Nowadays, our life relies on telephone. We can't do anything without telephone. So, welcome Bell to speak!
5. With a high speed development of science and technology, our country's space technology is also in fast progress. Now let's listen what aerospace is!
For the script's requirements, the part of the play is fictional and any similarity is purely coincidental.

帮帮忙,同学要在英语课上弄cosplay,让我写串词,请各位帮帮忙,把下面的句子翻译成英语.在线等今天就要 - …… 1. Many boy students believe that the agent James Bond is really smart as a professional spy when the...

帮帮忙,毕业了,想用英文写一些赠言给同学,想以C和Z和B开头的三个句子,谢谢. - …… 你要以那几个字母开头对于我来说实在是太难了....我想了好久也只想到了一句.1.Congratulations on your graduation and hope the future will bring you success and a whole wide world of happiness.........我再写一些一些其他的吧...你自己看吧...2.I'...

我们班的英语课上很乱,同学们都不听老师的话,有什么方法让学生乖点,或者给老师点意见, - …… 让老师学学新东方的老师 别把课上的那么枯燥 多讲讲笑话 调节气氛 平时严厉点 抓个带头的 严惩

要在高中英语课上准备一个句子(最好是名言)写在黑板上,而且还要解释为什么选择这句话教给同学.帮帮忙 …… Where there is a will , there is a way! 有志者事竟成! 只要我们有志向 有什么事不可以办到?? A brave man may fall,but he cannot yield.勇者可能跌倒,但不会屈服. A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 NOTHING is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事 只怕有心人

高手帮帮忙啊 编程(C语言)我只有这么多了 先谢了 …… #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" int i; int temp; int j; int choose; struct{ int stuid; char stuname[20]; char obj1[20]; char obj2[20]; char obj3[20]; char obj4[20]; int grade1; int grade2; int grade3; int grade4; }info[3];/*初始化数据*/ ...

假如你是eric,在下午的英语课上,老师要求你用所学过的英语知识向其他同学打招 - …… good afternoon class, my name is _________, and I am pleased to meet you all. I like to do _________ and I like to play __________.

c语言 同学录程序设计 我现在只能简单的输入信息什么的,求大神帮帮忙QAQ - …… 我说三个注意点,第一,除数不能为零,第二,题目没有要求多实例,第三,输入第一个数(K)如果是大于20的你的数组纵向会越界.一个建议,输入时候已经可以判断,无需数组存储可以直接判定,

为什么英语课上老师常用英语与学生对话? - …… 老师是当然希望学生可以适应纯英语环境的喽!因为在平时课堂上大量用英语对话的话,也会在一定程度上提高学生的语感以及听力,日常英语对话对英语的提高是有很大帮助的.但是呢,我个人其实不是很赞同,因为这样比较片面.课程呢,是要赶完的,但是,这呢,只对英语有一定基础的同学会有比较好的提高,对没有英语基础的同学很不利,因为会听不懂哦!


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