
@笪霍3155:write后面+s应该怎么发音 -
聂雯13148774762…… +s发音不变,也就是说词末的s不发音.有3个次是例外un boeuf,des boeufs(fs都不发音),un oeuf,des oeufs(fs都不发音),un os(s要发音),des os(s不发音). 复数+s的发音情况就是这个样,其他的情况,比如+x,变al为aux等我就不说,你没问...

@笪霍3155:Lucy writes as - - - as Lily.They are both good students. -
聂雯13148774762…… B as + 原级+ as表示: 和...一样( A, B) write 是行为动词,用副词carefully去修饰

@笪霍3155:Tim doesn`t write English - --his sister. A. more clearly as B. as clearly as -
聂雯13148774762…… Tim doesn`t write English___his sister. A. more clearly as B. as clearly as 选B 翻译 Tim没有2113他姐姐英语写得清楚5261 【as+adj+as】和...一样 A没有这4102种用法1653 要么就是more clearly than,表示比较级 有不专会的属可以再问我

@笪霍3155:Write - ---and try not to make any mistakes . A:as careful as possible B:as carefully as you can -
聂雯13148774762…… Write----and try not to make any mistakes . A:as careful as possible B:as carefully as you canC: most careful D: more careful 选B 【as +形容词/副词+as possible】尽可能... 修饰动词用副词 如果是CD的话,应该有than 有不会的可以再问我

@笪霍3155:as You don't write ( )before. - 作业帮
聂雯13148774762…… [选项] A. as careful as B. as carefully as C. careful than D. carefully than

@笪霍3155:Tim doesn`t write English___his sister.A.more clearly as B.as clearly as - 作业帮
聂雯13148774762…… [答案] Tim doesn`t write English___his sister. A. more clearly as B. as clearly as选B翻译Tim没有他姐姐英语写得清楚【as+adj+as】和...一样A没有这种用法要么就是more clearly than,表示比较级有不会的可以再问我...

@笪霍3155:Write - - and try not to make any mistakes.A,as careful as possible B,as carefully as you can -
聂雯13148774762…… B 因为WRITE是动词,要用副词来修饰,所以选B] CAREFULLY是副词

@笪霍3155:英语的写怎么读 -
聂雯13148774762…… 写的英文:write,其读音为:[raɪt]. 双元音/aɪ/的发音方法: 1、学习该音发音方法请先学习/ɑː/和/ɪ/这两个单元音. 2、双唇张开,开始发/ɑː/音. 3、舌部肌肉放松,然后颚部慢慢抬起滑向/ɪ/音,嘴唇慢慢合上. write 英 [raɪt] 美 [raɪt]...

@笪霍3155:js循环,write("数字是 " + i)中的+是什么意思 -
聂雯13148774762…… "数字是 " + i 是字符串的拼接 "abc"+"def"="abcdef"...

@笪霍3155:C++ 求助 -
聂雯13148774762…… 第一题是求阶层问题,不考虑大数情况就比较简单double fac(int n){ int i; double rel; for(i=1;i<n+1;i++) rel *= i; return rel;}第二题是求一个字符串中的数字的个数int get(string str){ int ret = ...


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  • write as 落地窗
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  • writeas xyz注射
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