请各位大虾帮忙翻译,尽快 多谢

Notes to commodity premises purchasers

First of all, valid passport is necessary for purchaser with non-Chinese nationality.
Secondly, since all title ownership documents can only be printed in Chinese. In the case that the name shown on the passport is in foreign language only, the purchaser should bring along with the original copy of his/her passport to any notary office in Beijing to obtain a translation certificate of his/her passport. (with at least 3 original copies)
Furthermore, the following documents should bring altogether:
(1) An original copy and a photocopy of purchaser’s passport
(2) An original copy and a photocopy of purchaser’s employment permit OR foreign expert certificate OR foreign enterprise representative certificate
(3) An original copy and a photocopy of residence registration certificate of foreign residents in Beijing issued by the local police station OR temporary stay certificate issued by a foreign-related hotel.
(4) 2 two-inch recent passport style color photos, with full face, front view, no hat, and against a plain blue background.
For foreigner who purchases commodity premises in Beijing, there are four important documents needed for title transfer: passport, a notarization of the Chinese translation of passport, a proof of buying commodity premises for self residential purpose, the note from Ministry of Foreign Affairs that allows he/she to purchase the commodity premises.

Regional Analysis
Dongzhimen area
The Dongzhimen area take the Russian Embassy as a core. With the Second Ring Road, Third Ring Road and the planning Guobin Avenue which connects Second Ring Road and Sanyuan Bridge constructing a major transportation system of the city, you can enjoy easy access to the CBD, the Airport, the Olympic Village as well as Zhongguancun through the city expressways network

Wangjing area
There are many Korean enterprises in the area, including Samsung Electronics, LG Corporation, and etc. It is therefore a lot of Koreans are living there. With Carrefour, PriceMart Wangjing Store, Wangjing Lufthansa Shopping Centre, Kang Zhuang Lake Golf Club, and etc. in the area, the convenient and beautiful living environment is an important factor that attracts foreigners to buy properties there

ITC area
ITC area is the core of Beijing CBD. The area bounded by East Third Ring Road expressway at the east, Kerry Centre at the south, and Beijing's bustling commercial district Chaowai Street, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the tranquil First Embassies District as well as the International Club Hotel at the west. There are mainly Europeans and Americans who engage in financial, securities sector and show business. Thriving commercial and convenient transportation make so many high-end industries and luxury brands gather in the area.

请各位大虾帮忙翻译,尽快 多谢 - …… Notes to commodity premises purchasersFirst of all, valid passport is necessary for purchaser with non-Chinese nationality.Secondly, since all title ownership documents can only be printed in Chinese. In the case that the name shown on the ...

请各位大虾帮个忙翻译这句话 …… I heard about your illness.

请各位大虾帮忙翻译下王建的《十五夜望月》这首诗,火急,十分感谢. …… 题中的“十五夜”,结合三、四两句来看,应指中秋之夜.诗题,《全唐诗》作《十五夜望月寄杜郎中》.杜郎中,名不详.在唐代咏中秋的篇什中,这是较为著名的一首. “中庭地白树栖鸦”.月光照射在庭院中,地上好象铺了一层霜雪....

请各位大虾们帮帮忙,把下面的内容翻译成英语.拜托了,我马上参加比赛要用!!! - …… 1、节日festivalA、中国一年有多少个节日?How many festivals are there in china?B、哪些是国际性的节日?Which of them are internation...

几句话,请各位大虾帮忙用英语翻译一下(七年级滴) …… 我也是7年级的哦! On a satuday,Ben and Tim went to a supermarket.They saw a theif was stealing a bottle of milk. They fallowed the thief to a bus station,the thief was waiting for a bus and reaging a nespaper. They told a policeman about it. They ...

请各位大虾帮忙翻译一下: - …… 1800pcs是1800件, 60S/2是长丝涤纶缝纫线 .single mercerized solid pique 指衣服的布料.solid 在这里应该是素色的意思.100pct cotton 指100%的纯棉,USD9.00/pc指9美元一件.这句话的意思应该是:1800件长丝涤纶缝纫线全棉丝光素色珠地布料的男子短期球衣以9美元一件买卖.不是很专业啊.希望能帮到你

请各位大虾,帮我翻译一下,你永远都不会知道,在我内心深处我有多爱你这句话!一些翻译器翻译的就免了!求英文好的大虾翻译啊! - 作业帮 …… [答案] You will never know my affection to you deep down. 或者 You will never know how I love you deep down. You will never know how much you mean to me deep down.

各位大虾帮忙翻译古文啊~~~~~~~~~~~ - …… 【译文】 江南巡抚的大臣,只有周忱最有名气.原来他的才干见识显然比他人好.他对公事的留心,也是无人能及的. 听说周忱有一本本子,从记日子到行为处事,没有丝毫遗漏,每天的阴、晴、风、雨,也一定详细地记录.例如,某天中午...

请各位大虾帮忙翻译下面的文字.. 很重要很重要的.. 我看的有点蒙了..拜托各位大虾,,一定要快! - …… 翻译结果内容如下:任务1、使用能效比定义该学院的信息需求,设计一个详细的概念模型.你的报告应当包括下列内容[40%]①、清楚说明中发展关系图所作的假设 ; ②、为每个实体键和适当的属性给一名候选人.找出真实世界的所有实体....

请各位大虾帮我翻译成英文,急!谢谢! - …… Working in Guangdong Lufeng Gangfeng Grain and Oil company as sales manager during December 2005 and January 2009. 纯手工翻译


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